
Lijia Shancheng footpath completed

2024-05-13 11:37:59

On May 8, citizens are cycling and strolling on the tree-lined Lijia Shancheng Footpath in Liangjiang New Area.
On May 8, citizens are cycling and strolling on the tree-lined Lijia Shancheng Footpath in Liangjiang New Area.

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- It is reported that the Lijia Shancheng Footpath with a total length of about 30 kilometers is an important part of the Liangjiang New Area of the Jialing Riverside Ecological Corridor, and it has been basically completed. The project covers riverside footpath, street footpath, footpath among hills and forests, gardens, and other items, all of which are currently open. The Footpath is a loop, and it takes about 1.5 hours to cycle throughout the loop. There are 21 first-, second-, and third-level post stations along the Footpath, provided with leisure chairs, drinking water, bicycle parking lots and other facilities, and a new pocket park is built according to local conditions, and a variety of solar-powered smart sports facilities are installed to enrich citizens' fitness experience. (Photographed by Zhang Jinhui / Visual Chongqing) 

(Translated by Wang Zhong, Fathom Language Limited)
