
Social contact over hiking goes viral and hikers are healed on the road

2024-05-13 14:46:24

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Following "Citywalk" and "Special Forces Tourism", young people fall in love with outdoor hiking this year. Different from popular scenic spots and Internet-famous sites, hiking sites are mostly the suburbs of cities or rural mountains. Hiking is not only a way of exercise, but also a way for young people to socialize.


On a sunny day in early summer and in warm wind, the reporter also accepted a "hiking solicitation order”, hiking along “Douwanzhai Ring Road in Muer Town, Yubei". At 10:30 in the morning, in Muer Town, Yubei, more than 90 young people from different parts of Chongqing gathered, each of they carried a backpack, and a hiking journey began! The whole journey, about 11 kilometers, passes through Jinyinzhai, Huayanzhai, Huatan Village, Guanyin Cave, Douwanzhai, and returns to Muer Town in the end. During this journey, they had to cross the river and climb several hills.


Look! These "partners" were so happy. They were taking pictures as souvenirs, helping each other, and cheering up. Their mottoes are: "make every effort to make your life happy when you are young", "Life is only 30,000 days; make it as comfortable as you want", "strive to make 100 friends every month"…


Chen Peng (first one from left), 30 years old this year, is one of the founders of Free Walk Outdoor Club. Like most office workers, he used to work from 9 to 5 every day. As a new media operator, he used to sit in the office every day and stare at the computer all day long. Occasionally he felt monotonous, bored and uneasy.


In October 2023, an accidental hiking experience opened up a new way of life for him. "In my first hiking, I felt quite interesting, and I suddenly freed myself from the busy work, met many new friends, shared the joy of the journey, and had fun in nature at will." Once, twice... Chen Peng fell in love with outdoor hiking completely.


What impressed Chen Peng the most was that once on the top of Shiren Peak, in the drizzle, he witnessed the scene of a couple's marriage proposal. “At that time, the man suddenly proposed at the summit. Everyone felt surprised but romantic.”


As more and more people around him like to hike, at the beginning of this year, Chen Peng and a few friends established an outdoor hiking group together. Every time he hikes, Chen Peng meets a group of new friends. “Over the past four months, we have built more than 30 groups with more than 18,000 people.”


Chen Peng has appreciated the scenery of early summer, crossed rivers, and climbed hills. He told reporters that this route is short-distance and more suitable for “green hand”. Instead of professional equipment, you need to bring a backpack with some food and water, and a trekking stick at most.


In addition to essential items, basic field survival skills and first aid knowledge are important. In this regard, every time Chen Peng organizes an outdoor hike, he will determine the route in advance. The team leader has also received professional training and has certain capabilities related to first aid and accident response.


At around 5:00 p.m., more than 90 people returned to Muer Town one after another. They were tired, but satisfied and happy from the heart. Walking in the forest, getting close to nature, and breathing the air full of the fragrance of soil and leaves is a kind of healing. Green hands, however, are reminded to evaluate their abilities and choose the right route before departure. After all, personal safety is the most important. (Translated by Wang Zhong, Fathom Language Limited)
