
Chongqing News

Delicacies that you may not know in Hongyadong

2017-04-19 10:15:21

-Shadiawang Water’s Edge-

It is a pirate-themed restaurant offering Sichuan delicacies. All of the dishes including Peppery Chicken, Fish and Pig’s Large Intestines, even pastries, are extremely spicy.

The Boiled Blood Curd is served in a large pot and tastes great.

Address: 9th Floor, Hongyadong (under the corsair)

Average spend: RMB 67/person

-Xiongxiong’s Hot and Sour Rice Noodles-

The restaurant is located at the snack street of Hongyadong (4th Floor). Numerous customers are attracted by the owner standing near the door and making rice noodles. The restaurant is relatively small, and some customers may sometimes have to eat out in front of the restaurant.

Rice Noodles with Pig's Large Intestines and Hot and Sour Rice Noodles are chewy, smooth, hot and delicious, thus are highly recommended.

Address: 4th Floor, Hongyadong, 37 Zhiyanhe Street

Average spend: RMB 12/person (Translated by Sun Jiuyang, Fathom Language Limited)



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Editor:Jiang Yiwei