
Chongqing News

How many of these popular restaurants among your WeChat Moments have you experienced?

2017-11-16 08:11:03

Liziba Liangshan Chicken 李子坝梁山鸡

Speaking of chicken, we will certainly think about Liziba Liangshan Chicken, the online celebrity restaurant in Chongqing. When I had dinner with friends at Liangshan Chicken on National Day, we met numerous customers who had come because they were attracted by its fame. Even at nine o'clock at night, there are people waiting in a queue. It should go without saying, that’s how popular it is.

They select local chicken as ingredients. Supplemented by various medicinal ingredients, a very rich taste will be satisfying. The spicy and glutinous chicken with sauce, the medicated ingredients with their sweet taste all made it a good choice both for keeping healthy and going well with rice.

Reference per capita: 93 yuan

Telephone: 023-63315977

Address: No. 60 Liziba Centre Street, Yuzhong District (Liziba Station of Line 2, opposite the Liziba Park)

Ming's Laoshan Squid and Chicken 明氏老山鱿鱼鸡

This is an eleven year old restaurant which has moved three times. Every time they would move, the customers made detailed inquiries about the opening time. This restaurant has a higher value with per capita of only 40 yuan.

It takes more than 30 hours to soak dried squid. The water must be changed for four times during the soaking process in order to ensure the good taste of the squid.

Reference per capita: 45 yuan

Telephone: 15922504181

Address: Nanping East Road No. 6 of 600, Nan'an District (Haitang Xiaoyue Bus Station) (Translated by Shi Yali, Fathom Language Limited)

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Editor:Jiang Yiwei