
Chongqing News

What happen to books before coming into your hand

2019-04-24 14:15:22

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Each book will undergo several processes like type setting, proofreading and printing before being presented to readers. In addition to that, books will take an express to begin their great adventures. Let’s take a look about what happened to books before coming into your hand.

Hi! I’m a finished product after processes like type setting, proofreading and printing. World Book Day is a festival for books and readers. We meet and company each other in reading.

I’m presented to you with the intelligence you endow me. You may not know books like me will undergo great adventures before meeting you.

This is the Logistics Distribution Branch of Chongqing Xinhua Media Co., Ltd., which is the first station after we leave the press. This branch undertakes the construction guidance and service functions of the logistic distribution system of Chongqing Xinhua Bookstore Group. 

With full expectations, we’d go through at Receiving & Sending Department, Planning Department, Comprehensive Department and Storage Department successively. Books as teaching materials have to go to Teaching Material Department as well. People of these departments will sort, pack and deliver us according to the accurate destinations defined on the logistic management system for books.

Just now, Mr. Yao Deming, a review packer, placed me on this clean shelf. He also wrapped me and other books with kraft paper. Mr. Yao reviews and packs over 200 books every day; that is, he just spends 1 minute or so on processing a book on average. 

Where I settle is a shelf with several layers. In the past, books can only be placed on a shelf with single layer. As the book distribution system gets upgraded, our “living environment” is improved. And our adventures become more exciting for the application of informatization, mechanization and automation.

The era in which all processes conducted by hand has gone forever. Nowadays, advanced logistic management system for books, electric fork-lift truck and convenient delivery reduces the manual labor and time cost heavily.

We’re excited when hearing trucks outside the warehouse. We are expected to meet readers. Thanks everyone in this distribution branch. We can be presented to readers because of their efforts. (Translated by Mao Qiao, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei