
Culture News

Program launched to support young drama writers

2019-10-31 09:21:07

BEIJING, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) -- A talent incubation program for young drama writers was launched Tuesday to provide support for them to produce, promote and present their works.

Candidates nationwide can submit a realist drama script on one of three given subjects, which literally translate as "How am I?" "On warm days" and "Give me a plate of time, no spice," to rencaifuhua@163.com before Nov. 23, according to the organizers.

The scripts should be kept at no more than 6,000 Chinese characters and no longer than 20 minutes when performed on stage. A total of 9 to 12 works will be selected for incubation. The result of the contest will be released on Dec. 6.

The full-fledged productions will be staged at Poly theaters, one of the organizers, across the country.

Editor:Jiang Yiwei