Chongqing Dangdai Football Team resumes training
Last week, Chongqing Dangdai Football Team formally resumed training in Yanghe Base.

Chongqing Dangdai Football Team resumes training


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Affected by the epidemic situation, the Chinese Super League 2020 has not yet started. How about the preparation of Chongqing Dangdai Football Team? Last week, Chongqing Dangdai Football Team formally resumed training in Yanghe Base. Before the training, coach Zhang Wailong and general manager Chen Ming were interviewed by the media. Zhang summed up the training he had finished before, saying that through a series of warm-up games he had determined play strategies and the direction of development this year. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the CSL this year has been in a state of stagnation. Chen Ming said that the club will gradually resume training of the main team and U19 team according to the situation of the epidemic. The most important thing at present is the safety of the team.

According to the press conference, through the training in Zhuhai, the Chongqing Dangdai Football Team decided to list the players to go overseas for training. During the training in Okinawa, Japan, the training was mainly aimed at the technical and tactical requirements of this year’s league, and four teaching games were completed. Regarding the state of the team, coach Zhang Wailong said that through these training sessions, the team has greatly improved.

On the main list, Zhang Wailong said that most of the candidates have been determined through the previous training, and now there are only two places left. But he also emphasized that there was no absolute main force in the team this year, and there would be two to three people in each position. It means that competition within the team will be extremely fierce, and players must “compete to work” through their own abilities. In addition, none of the five foreign aids of the Chongqing Dangdai Football Team returned to the team. Zhang Wailong said that these foreign aids were currently communicating with the coaching staff through instant messaging such as video, and the daily training was in an orderly manner. I believe they will bring different surprises to Chongqing fans after the start of the new season. (Translated by Luo Juan, Fathom Language Limited)

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Chongqing Dangdai Football Team resumes training

2020-04-14 14:10:00 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Affected by the epidemic situation, the Chinese Super League 2020 has not yet started. How about the preparation of Chongqing Dangdai Football Team? Last week, Chongqing Dangdai Football Team formally resumed training in Yanghe Base. Before the training, coach Zhang Wailong and general manager Chen Ming were interviewed by the media. Zhang summed up the training he had finished before, saying that through a series of warm-up games he had determined play strategies and the direction of development this year. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the CSL this year has been in a state of stagnation. Chen Ming said that the club will gradually resume training of the main team and U19 team according to the situation of the epidemic. The most important thing at present is the safety of the team.

According to the press conference, through the training in Zhuhai, the Chongqing Dangdai Football Team decided to list the players to go overseas for training. During the training in Okinawa, Japan, the training was mainly aimed at the technical and tactical requirements of this year’s league, and four teaching games were completed. Regarding the state of the team, coach Zhang Wailong said that through these training sessions, the team has greatly improved.

On the main list, Zhang Wailong said that most of the candidates have been determined through the previous training, and now there are only two places left. But he also emphasized that there was no absolute main force in the team this year, and there would be two to three people in each position. It means that competition within the team will be extremely fierce, and players must “compete to work” through their own abilities. In addition, none of the five foreign aids of the Chongqing Dangdai Football Team returned to the team. Zhang Wailong said that these foreign aids were currently communicating with the coaching staff through instant messaging such as video, and the daily training was in an orderly manner. I believe they will bring different surprises to Chongqing fans after the start of the new season. (Translated by Luo Juan, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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