Xiannvshan Airport to have test flight in October
According to the current schedule, the airport plans to conduct flight calibration in August and test flight in October.

Xiannvshan Airport to have test flight in October


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As one of the four regional airports planned and constructed in Chongqing, Chongqing Wulong Xiannvshan Airport has attracted much attention. How is the current construction progress? According to Chongqing Airport Group, Xiannvshan Airport has fully entered the runway concrete pouring construction. According to the current schedule, the airport plans to conduct flight calibration in August and test flight in October, which means that the public is expected to take the flight of Xiannvshan Airport within the year.

The laying of water stable layer in the construction area of Xiannvshan Airport runway has been basically completed, and the concrete pouring is also progressed in order. Up to now, about 800 meters of concrete has been poured. It is expected that the concrete pouring in the runway area will be completed in June this year, the flight calibration will be organized in August, and the test flight will be organized in October.

Xiannvshan Airport is the closest airport to Wulong Scenic Area. After completion, the runway is 2,800 meters long and 45 meters wide. It can take off and land Boeing 737, Airbus 320 and domestic C919 aircraft. The total area of the airport terminal is 6,000 square meters. After being put into use, it can meet the passenger throughput of 600,000 people every year.

After the completion of Xiannvshan Airport, Chongqing Civil Aviation will form a “one large, four small” transport airport system, with Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport as the leader, relying on Qianjiang Airport, Wushan Airport, Xiannvshan Airport and Wanzhou Airport. The trip will also lay a solid foundation for Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport to build an international aviation hub.

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Xiannvshan Airport to have test flight in October

2020-04-22 13:14:04 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As one of the four regional airports planned and constructed in Chongqing, Chongqing Wulong Xiannvshan Airport has attracted much attention. How is the current construction progress? According to Chongqing Airport Group, Xiannvshan Airport has fully entered the runway concrete pouring construction. According to the current schedule, the airport plans to conduct flight calibration in August and test flight in October, which means that the public is expected to take the flight of Xiannvshan Airport within the year.

The laying of water stable layer in the construction area of Xiannvshan Airport runway has been basically completed, and the concrete pouring is also progressed in order. Up to now, about 800 meters of concrete has been poured. It is expected that the concrete pouring in the runway area will be completed in June this year, the flight calibration will be organized in August, and the test flight will be organized in October.

Xiannvshan Airport is the closest airport to Wulong Scenic Area. After completion, the runway is 2,800 meters long and 45 meters wide. It can take off and land Boeing 737, Airbus 320 and domestic C919 aircraft. The total area of the airport terminal is 6,000 square meters. After being put into use, it can meet the passenger throughput of 600,000 people every year.

After the completion of Xiannvshan Airport, Chongqing Civil Aviation will form a “one large, four small” transport airport system, with Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport as the leader, relying on Qianjiang Airport, Wushan Airport, Xiannvshan Airport and Wanzhou Airport. The trip will also lay a solid foundation for Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport to build an international aviation hub.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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