A special exhibition held in Chongqing
The Calligraphy and Paintings Photography Competition and Exhibition was held.

A special exhibition held in Chongqing


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The Calligraphy and Paintings Photography Competition and Exhibition Themed on “Innovation in Chongqing • Mountain City” was held at Chongqing Industry Park of Human Resources Service. The themes include Shandong-Chongqing labor service, assistance in poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control and others, and they are of regional characteristics and scenes of city life. It is reported that the exhibition will last until the end of June, and it is free for citizens.

This activity was jointly organized by Chongqing Administration of Employment Services and the Painting and Calligraphy Association of Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shandong Province. Starting from June 2019, it is mainly for the cadres and workers as well as the retired people and people from all walks of life who care about employment, entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation of the employment system of Chongqing and Shandong. 201 works of calligraphy, painting and photography have been collected. After initial evaluation, a total of 150 works were included in the exhibition, including the themes of Shandong - Chongqing labor cooperation, assistance in poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control and others.

The person in charge of Chongqing Administration of Employment Services said that “We hope, through this exhibition, those typical cases and typical figures emerged in the poverty alleviation cooperation between Chongqing and Shandong will be displayed, so as to jointly promote the coordinated development of the labor service cooperation between the east and the west to a higher quality and strengthen the cultural and artistic exchanges between the two places.”

On the site, a painting depicting the stilted building in Chongqing attracted many people, because it shows the characteristics of Chongqing. On one side of the painting, the image of an old man of the Yi Ethnicity with a tobacco pipe in his mouth is recorded by camera. This photo is created on the road of poverty alleviation. In the end, one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes were awarded based on the teams of calligraphy and painting photography.

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A special exhibition held in Chongqing

2020-06-09 14:59:25 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The Calligraphy and Paintings Photography Competition and Exhibition Themed on “Innovation in Chongqing • Mountain City” was held at Chongqing Industry Park of Human Resources Service. The themes include Shandong-Chongqing labor service, assistance in poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control and others, and they are of regional characteristics and scenes of city life. It is reported that the exhibition will last until the end of June, and it is free for citizens.

This activity was jointly organized by Chongqing Administration of Employment Services and the Painting and Calligraphy Association of Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shandong Province. Starting from June 2019, it is mainly for the cadres and workers as well as the retired people and people from all walks of life who care about employment, entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation of the employment system of Chongqing and Shandong. 201 works of calligraphy, painting and photography have been collected. After initial evaluation, a total of 150 works were included in the exhibition, including the themes of Shandong - Chongqing labor cooperation, assistance in poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control and others.

The person in charge of Chongqing Administration of Employment Services said that “We hope, through this exhibition, those typical cases and typical figures emerged in the poverty alleviation cooperation between Chongqing and Shandong will be displayed, so as to jointly promote the coordinated development of the labor service cooperation between the east and the west to a higher quality and strengthen the cultural and artistic exchanges between the two places.”

On the site, a painting depicting the stilted building in Chongqing attracted many people, because it shows the characteristics of Chongqing. On one side of the painting, the image of an old man of the Yi Ethnicity with a tobacco pipe in his mouth is recorded by camera. This photo is created on the road of poverty alleviation. In the end, one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes were awarded based on the teams of calligraphy and painting photography.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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