2020 Chongqing Showcase Promotes Cultural Tourism coming
A municipality wide showcase of products related to cultural tourism and innovation commences on June 11th.

2020 Chongqing Showcase Promotes Cultural Tourism coming


A municipality wide showcase of products related to cultural tourism and innovation commences on June 11th in the format of media releases and live ‘Showdown’ promotional broadcasts.

2020 Chongqing Showcase has been praised for raising the profile of urban brands and use of classic innovation. Beginning June 6th, promotional videos and posters have been seen throughout media and on street level.

The five media releases include an 8-minute video, a full-page newspaper, a 90-second short videos, “online cultural tourism centers,” and online streaming marketing conducted by district and county mayors.

During live promotional broadcasts, district and county leaders take centre stage to promote high quality travel and culture related products. Netizens are encouraged to buy products while the show is on air.

From Jun through Dec 2020, stay tuned with iChongqing to explore the diverse tourism and culture through this large scale promotional event.

(Source: iChongqing)

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2020 Chongqing Showcase Promotes Cultural Tourism coming

2020-06-11 11:25:27 来源: 0 条评论

A municipality wide showcase of products related to cultural tourism and innovation commences on June 11th in the format of media releases and live ‘Showdown’ promotional broadcasts.

2020 Chongqing Showcase has been praised for raising the profile of urban brands and use of classic innovation. Beginning June 6th, promotional videos and posters have been seen throughout media and on street level.

The five media releases include an 8-minute video, a full-page newspaper, a 90-second short videos, “online cultural tourism centers,” and online streaming marketing conducted by district and county mayors.

During live promotional broadcasts, district and county leaders take centre stage to promote high quality travel and culture related products. Netizens are encouraged to buy products while the show is on air.

From Jun through Dec 2020, stay tuned with iChongqing to explore the diverse tourism and culture through this large scale promotional event.

(Source: iChongqing)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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