A visit to “Van Fair” in Daping
Recently, “Van Fair” has made its debut in Daping.

A visit to “Van Fair” in Daping


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, “Van Fair”, the first streetcar-themed block in Chongqing, has made its debut in Daping Longfor Times Paradise Walk, Yuzhong District, serving as another internet-famous site for residents and tourists to visit. 

At the site, about 20 cars with different themes orderly placed have attracted a large amount of tourists. At the fair, there are kinds of exquisite household ornaments, unique original handicraft and delicious and trendy snacks and drinks. All these increase people’s desire to buy things. 

The reporter has learned that the “Van Fair” is expected to be open to the public for 24 hours. Based on the maintenance of traditional way of consumption as fairs, and via technologies as recreation and innovation of the scene and integration of multidimensional experience, the “Van Fair” is designed to be an internet-famous outdoor entertainment place that meets the needs of residents and tourists. (Translated by Xu Mengxue, Fathom Language Limited) 

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A visit to “Van Fair” in Daping

2020-07-15 14:38:07 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, “Van Fair”, the first streetcar-themed block in Chongqing, has made its debut in Daping Longfor Times Paradise Walk, Yuzhong District, serving as another internet-famous site for residents and tourists to visit. 

At the site, about 20 cars with different themes orderly placed have attracted a large amount of tourists. At the fair, there are kinds of exquisite household ornaments, unique original handicraft and delicious and trendy snacks and drinks. All these increase people’s desire to buy things. 

The reporter has learned that the “Van Fair” is expected to be open to the public for 24 hours. Based on the maintenance of traditional way of consumption as fairs, and via technologies as recreation and innovation of the scene and integration of multidimensional experience, the “Van Fair” is designed to be an internet-famous outdoor entertainment place that meets the needs of residents and tourists. (Translated by Xu Mengxue, Fathom Language Limited) 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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