Tourists eat lemons in Water Park
This summer, a variety of interesting activities have been being held in Fuling Mexin Wine Town.

Tourists eat lemons in Water Park


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- This summer, a variety of interesting activities have been being held in the Water Park of Chongqing Fuling Mexin Wine Town, such as paddling, sitting in ice buckets and eating bitter gourds. Last week, the Water Park launched the Lemon Challenge to attract many tourists to participate in the interesting summer heat relieving activity while paddling. 

According to the challenge rules, the top three who ate the most in the prescribed time won and the participants should keep a smile on their face throughout the challenge. During the period, the Sour King Challenge also attracted many tourists, which was divided into 5 levels, namely, the first level was 500 ml lemonade, then 100 ml more lemonade for each higher level. Drinking up the lemonade would be deemed as a successful challenge. The top three challengers at the highest levels won.

“Eating something sour in hot days can stimulate the appetite and relieve the summer heat.” Zhou Yuanyuan, a girl from Chongqing main urban area said that she had been fond of sweet and sour food since her was a child. She was very familiar with the taste of lemon, so she gobbled lemons during the game of Lemon Challenge with no expression of eating something very sour.

The sponsor introduced that the competition was held to enhance the pleasure of tourists in the Water Park considering the hot weather in Chongqing recently. 

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Tourists eat lemons in Water Park

2020-08-05 13:24:15 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- This summer, a variety of interesting activities have been being held in the Water Park of Chongqing Fuling Mexin Wine Town, such as paddling, sitting in ice buckets and eating bitter gourds. Last week, the Water Park launched the Lemon Challenge to attract many tourists to participate in the interesting summer heat relieving activity while paddling. 

According to the challenge rules, the top three who ate the most in the prescribed time won and the participants should keep a smile on their face throughout the challenge. During the period, the Sour King Challenge also attracted many tourists, which was divided into 5 levels, namely, the first level was 500 ml lemonade, then 100 ml more lemonade for each higher level. Drinking up the lemonade would be deemed as a successful challenge. The top three challengers at the highest levels won.

“Eating something sour in hot days can stimulate the appetite and relieve the summer heat.” Zhou Yuanyuan, a girl from Chongqing main urban area said that she had been fond of sweet and sour food since her was a child. She was very familiar with the taste of lemon, so she gobbled lemons during the game of Lemon Challenge with no expression of eating something very sour.

The sponsor introduced that the competition was held to enhance the pleasure of tourists in the Water Park considering the hot weather in Chongqing recently. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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