Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge to open to traffic
At present, Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge is undergoing painting.

Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge to open to traffic


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A touch of bright “China Red” will be added into the Jialing River. At present, Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge is undergoing painting, and the brightly colored “China Red” makes it look particularly dazzling in the sunlight. In addition, the Bridge’s mainline tunnel was fully opened in early August. The first domestic on-bridge rail transit station, located in the lower level of the Bridge, is also taking shape and expected to be ready to open to traffic by the end of this year.

Why is “China Red”? A better outline of the Bridge

The reporter saw on the bridge deck of Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge that workers were painting the rigid cables and upper and lower contours of truss of the Bridge. The color of the painting is the bright “China Red”, which makes the Bridge look especially dazzling under the sun.

Why “China Red” is used? According to the head of Chongqing Zengjiayan Bridge Construction Management Co., Ltd, it will be a better outline of the Bridge. Such a vivid and warm color not only stands out visually, but also has a light and fresh effect that stands out from the surrounding environment. 

Fully opened tunnel of the mainline; the rail transit station on the Bridge in place

Chongqing Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge Project starts from Xingsheng Avenue in Yubei District, enters a tunnel near Tianjiang Dingcheng, runs from north to south to exit the tunnel in Longfor Chunsen Land, crosses the Jialing River, and successively passes through Zengjiayan, Zhongshan Fourth Road, Shangqingsi, and Lianglukou. After the Bridge exits the tunnel to the south and connects with Changbin Road, there is an interchange for Changbin Road, which connects Caiyuanba Bridge and Changbin Road.

In early August, the mainline tunnel of Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge has been fully penetrated. At present, the installation of the ancillary structures of the Bridge, tunnel fireproof coating and electromechanical facilities and equipment are underway. And the first domestic rail interchange station built on the Bridge – the construction of the platform of Zengjiayan Station of Line 10 has taken shape. The reporter saw from the lower main bridge of the platform that two rows of two-meter-high steel skeletons have been erected, and the center has been left open for the laying of tracks. 

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Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge to open to traffic

2020-09-02 14:30:12 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A touch of bright “China Red” will be added into the Jialing River. At present, Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge is undergoing painting, and the brightly colored “China Red” makes it look particularly dazzling in the sunlight. In addition, the Bridge’s mainline tunnel was fully opened in early August. The first domestic on-bridge rail transit station, located in the lower level of the Bridge, is also taking shape and expected to be ready to open to traffic by the end of this year.

Why is “China Red”? A better outline of the Bridge

The reporter saw on the bridge deck of Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge that workers were painting the rigid cables and upper and lower contours of truss of the Bridge. The color of the painting is the bright “China Red”, which makes the Bridge look especially dazzling under the sun.

Why “China Red” is used? According to the head of Chongqing Zengjiayan Bridge Construction Management Co., Ltd, it will be a better outline of the Bridge. Such a vivid and warm color not only stands out visually, but also has a light and fresh effect that stands out from the surrounding environment. 

Fully opened tunnel of the mainline; the rail transit station on the Bridge in place

Chongqing Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge Project starts from Xingsheng Avenue in Yubei District, enters a tunnel near Tianjiang Dingcheng, runs from north to south to exit the tunnel in Longfor Chunsen Land, crosses the Jialing River, and successively passes through Zengjiayan, Zhongshan Fourth Road, Shangqingsi, and Lianglukou. After the Bridge exits the tunnel to the south and connects with Changbin Road, there is an interchange for Changbin Road, which connects Caiyuanba Bridge and Changbin Road.

In early August, the mainline tunnel of Zengjiayan Jialing River Bridge has been fully penetrated. At present, the installation of the ancillary structures of the Bridge, tunnel fireproof coating and electromechanical facilities and equipment are underway. And the first domestic rail interchange station built on the Bridge – the construction of the platform of Zengjiayan Station of Line 10 has taken shape. The reporter saw from the lower main bridge of the platform that two rows of two-meter-high steel skeletons have been erected, and the center has been left open for the laying of tracks. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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