China’s first library in an expressway service area unveiled in Chongqing
It is the first service area library on a domestic expressway.

China’s first library in an expressway service area unveiled in Chongqing


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A white-look glass house tucked away in the greenery, with a winding staircase and a variety of books in the house… On November 1, Lengshui - Fenggu branch of Chongqing Library, namely, Lengshui - Fenggu Forest Book House, which was jointly built by Chongqing Library and Chongqing Expressway Land Development Company, was unveiled at the Lengshui Service Area self-driving camp of Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway. It is the first library built by Chongqing Expressway in a service area and the first service area library on a domestic expressway.

Covering an area of 543 square meters, Chongqing Library’s Lengshui - Fenggu Branch is designed in the shape of a honeycomb hexagon with fully transparent glass rooms. The main body has two floors, with a terrace on the top floor, thus creating an atmosphere of a library in the forest. Currently, Lengshui - Fenggu Forest Book House has nearly 10,000 books of all kinds, which are free and open to the public. In addition, drivers and passengers can relax and be entertained in the reading area, coffee area, vinyl record area, and tea ceremony area.

According to Wan Weiping, Marketing Manager of Lengshui - Fenggu Leisure Resort Camp, Lengshui - Fenggu Leisure Resort Camp is an open eco-tourism self-driving camp located at an altitude of 1443 meters above sea level in the Lengshui Service Area of Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, and it has been awarded the title of “China’s First Expressway Self-driving Camp” and “The Second New Landmark of Chongqing Culture and Tourism”. The camp will also be combined with the book house for family trips and other activities. It is expected that by next summer, a graffiti landscape will also be created on the walls and grounds along the route from Lengshui Service Area to the camp.

In addition, Lengshui Fenggu Leisure Resort Camp will be expanded to create a wind-themed amusement park. 

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China’s first library in an expressway service area unveiled in Chongqing

2020-11-04 14:55:58 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A white-look glass house tucked away in the greenery, with a winding staircase and a variety of books in the house… On November 1, Lengshui - Fenggu branch of Chongqing Library, namely, Lengshui - Fenggu Forest Book House, which was jointly built by Chongqing Library and Chongqing Expressway Land Development Company, was unveiled at the Lengshui Service Area self-driving camp of Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway. It is the first library built by Chongqing Expressway in a service area and the first service area library on a domestic expressway.

Covering an area of 543 square meters, Chongqing Library’s Lengshui - Fenggu Branch is designed in the shape of a honeycomb hexagon with fully transparent glass rooms. The main body has two floors, with a terrace on the top floor, thus creating an atmosphere of a library in the forest. Currently, Lengshui - Fenggu Forest Book House has nearly 10,000 books of all kinds, which are free and open to the public. In addition, drivers and passengers can relax and be entertained in the reading area, coffee area, vinyl record area, and tea ceremony area.

According to Wan Weiping, Marketing Manager of Lengshui - Fenggu Leisure Resort Camp, Lengshui - Fenggu Leisure Resort Camp is an open eco-tourism self-driving camp located at an altitude of 1443 meters above sea level in the Lengshui Service Area of Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, and it has been awarded the title of “China’s First Expressway Self-driving Camp” and “The Second New Landmark of Chongqing Culture and Tourism”. The camp will also be combined with the book house for family trips and other activities. It is expected that by next summer, a graffiti landscape will also be created on the walls and grounds along the route from Lengshui Service Area to the camp.

In addition, Lengshui Fenggu Leisure Resort Camp will be expanded to create a wind-themed amusement park. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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