Glasses-free 3D scene “train passing through building” in Guanyinqiao
Its stereo visual effect is so realistic.

Glasses-free 3D scene “train passing through building” in Guanyinqiao


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the high-profile Guanyinqiao “Asian Light” large-screen glasses-free 3D upgrading recreated Chongqing’s iconic tourist attraction “train passing through building”: the monorail slowly arrives at Guanyinqiao Station, and appears on the large screen... Its stereo visual effect is realistic so that the residents and visitors record the visual feast with their phones.

Huang Xiaoqing, the person in charge of the project, said that this 2.0 version was customized for Chongqing, and it used 3D modeling technology to realize a special glasses-free 3D effect. Moreover, this work is the first glasses-free 3D video customized for a city. 

It is worth mentioning that in order to achieve the lifelike effect of the train, considering the shape of the locomotive and the screen, the production team had to accurately calculate the specific size of the monorail locomotive; and only the more accurate the calculation, the greater the visual impact. After repeated design and testing by the technical team, the locomotive area was finally set at 1000m2, and finally surprised citizens.

Huang Xiaoqing said: “The large screen needs 30 pictures in 1 second, renders 1 picture in 30 minutes, and the video duration about “train passing through building” is 60s. So, that's a lot of work”. The final effect was realized by the technical team in 20 days. The technical team is still making adjustment and debugging, and the version 3.0 will be available soon.

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Glasses-free 3D scene “train passing through building” in Guanyinqiao

2020-11-16 15:08:04 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the high-profile Guanyinqiao “Asian Light” large-screen glasses-free 3D upgrading recreated Chongqing’s iconic tourist attraction “train passing through building”: the monorail slowly arrives at Guanyinqiao Station, and appears on the large screen... Its stereo visual effect is realistic so that the residents and visitors record the visual feast with their phones.

Huang Xiaoqing, the person in charge of the project, said that this 2.0 version was customized for Chongqing, and it used 3D modeling technology to realize a special glasses-free 3D effect. Moreover, this work is the first glasses-free 3D video customized for a city. 

It is worth mentioning that in order to achieve the lifelike effect of the train, considering the shape of the locomotive and the screen, the production team had to accurately calculate the specific size of the monorail locomotive; and only the more accurate the calculation, the greater the visual impact. After repeated design and testing by the technical team, the locomotive area was finally set at 1000m2, and finally surprised citizens.

Huang Xiaoqing said: “The large screen needs 30 pictures in 1 second, renders 1 picture in 30 minutes, and the video duration about “train passing through building” is 60s. So, that's a lot of work”. The final effect was realized by the technical team in 20 days. The technical team is still making adjustment and debugging, and the version 3.0 will be available soon.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]