Have you enjoyed the special beauty of Chongqing?
The unique urban charm of Chongqing has attracted the whole country.

Have you enjoyed the special beauty of Chongqing?


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The unique urban charm of Chongqing, a “city of mountains and rivers”, has attracted the attention of the whole country. There are so many elements of the beauty of the city: Leisure parks that you can see everywhere, unblocked safe and comfortable sidewalks, rejuvenating old streets and old alleys... But behind this, it is inseparable from the deepening reform of Chongqing Urban Administration Bureau, which makes Chongqing more beautiful and elegant.

The most beautiful sidewalk

Walking in the sea of flowers

“In the past, when it rained, there were puddles this section of the road, which often dampened the shoes and trousers. But now, after the reconstruction of the sidewalk, there is no such trouble any more.” What Peng Chang, who worked in the Internet Industrial Park in Liangjiang New Area, talked about was the sidewalk on the west section of Jinkai Avenue in Liangjiang New Area. Different pavement materials were selected according to local conditions, mainly including imitation stone ecological brick, permeable concrete and permeable asphalt, and corresponding permeable structural base is adopted to ensure the “seepage” and “drainage” functions of sponge city. In addition, the sidewalk also integrated modern science and technology and green energy-saving concept, strengthened the landscape construction of important nodes and the vegetation along the line, improved the guidance system, and creates a new urban scenic spot which integrated ecology, science and technology, humanities and leisure, and was suitable for viewing, traveling and metropolis style.

In recent days, the warm sun has made many citizens choose to take a walk along the North Bank of Jiangbei District. The trail is 4.08 km long. Before the reconstruction, it was a 3-m-wide sidewalk. Now, it is not only widened to 15m, but also covered with more than 200 kinds of flowers and plants, such as Jacaranda, woody hydrangea, tree rose, beauty plum and so on. Citizens were basking in the warm sunshine and strolling along the flower corridor. They have a wonderful feeling of “people walking in the painting”.

The most beautiful park

What was once a dump is now a “city living room”

Nowadays, in Longtousi Park, many elderly people like to bring their children to the children’s area in the park to spend their time. It’s hard to imagine that this place was once an urban village and garbage dump. 

According to the relevant person in charge of the Yubei Urban Management Bureau through transformation and reconstruction, Longtousi Park has become a large-scale comprehensive park with the themes of science and technology, ecology and environmental protection in Yubei District. The planned roadway in the park is about 4km, the pedestrian trail is about 9km, the landscaping area is about 370,000 square meters, the ecological water area is about 18,000 square meters, the road square area is about 112,000 square meters, and the supporting buildings are about 16,000 square meters. The topography is like a huge ecological bonsai.

Since last year, more than 200 urban parks have been built and put into use in Chongqing. This year, Chongqing has also carried out the renovation of old urban parks, improving the quality of more than 100 old urban parks, updating suitable plant varieties, enhancing the landscape effect of the park, and allowing the park to play more of the role of the city’s “green lung” and relieving the pressure of the citizens.

The most beautiful lane

Let old streets and old lanes once again amaze the times

In Chongqing, there is such a place where you can observe the light rail crossing the building, witness the river cableway, and appreciate the beauty of Hongyadong... That is the Zaozilanya Trail in Yuzhong District.

Since the beginning of this year, with the deepening of various innovative measures in urban management, the effective implementation of projects such as the control of disorderly demolition and street cleaning, Zaozilanya Trail is a typical case. The original Zaozilanya Trail Stairway was damaged, green plants were missing, and street lights were not on. It was very inconvenient for residents to travel. Therefore, residents had strong opinions and reactions.

After collecting suggestions from residents in the jurisdiction, the Zaozilanya Trail Reconstruction Project officially entered the site in November 2019 and was completed in December. After reconstruction, the Zaozilanya Trail will be designed with the theme of “Time in Time”, mainly using mosaics, broken tiles, and ceramic art thin rock slabs to inject new vitality into the trail block. At the same time, the unique cultural elements of Chongqing will be introduced after the reform and opening up. The representative elements of each age are integrated into the whole trail, evoking the changes in people’s memories of life. 

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Have you enjoyed the special beauty of Chongqing?

2020-11-18 16:14:12 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The unique urban charm of Chongqing, a “city of mountains and rivers”, has attracted the attention of the whole country. There are so many elements of the beauty of the city: Leisure parks that you can see everywhere, unblocked safe and comfortable sidewalks, rejuvenating old streets and old alleys... But behind this, it is inseparable from the deepening reform of Chongqing Urban Administration Bureau, which makes Chongqing more beautiful and elegant.

The most beautiful sidewalk

Walking in the sea of flowers

“In the past, when it rained, there were puddles this section of the road, which often dampened the shoes and trousers. But now, after the reconstruction of the sidewalk, there is no such trouble any more.” What Peng Chang, who worked in the Internet Industrial Park in Liangjiang New Area, talked about was the sidewalk on the west section of Jinkai Avenue in Liangjiang New Area. Different pavement materials were selected according to local conditions, mainly including imitation stone ecological brick, permeable concrete and permeable asphalt, and corresponding permeable structural base is adopted to ensure the “seepage” and “drainage” functions of sponge city. In addition, the sidewalk also integrated modern science and technology and green energy-saving concept, strengthened the landscape construction of important nodes and the vegetation along the line, improved the guidance system, and creates a new urban scenic spot which integrated ecology, science and technology, humanities and leisure, and was suitable for viewing, traveling and metropolis style.

In recent days, the warm sun has made many citizens choose to take a walk along the North Bank of Jiangbei District. The trail is 4.08 km long. Before the reconstruction, it was a 3-m-wide sidewalk. Now, it is not only widened to 15m, but also covered with more than 200 kinds of flowers and plants, such as Jacaranda, woody hydrangea, tree rose, beauty plum and so on. Citizens were basking in the warm sunshine and strolling along the flower corridor. They have a wonderful feeling of “people walking in the painting”.

The most beautiful park

What was once a dump is now a “city living room”

Nowadays, in Longtousi Park, many elderly people like to bring their children to the children’s area in the park to spend their time. It’s hard to imagine that this place was once an urban village and garbage dump. 

According to the relevant person in charge of the Yubei Urban Management Bureau through transformation and reconstruction, Longtousi Park has become a large-scale comprehensive park with the themes of science and technology, ecology and environmental protection in Yubei District. The planned roadway in the park is about 4km, the pedestrian trail is about 9km, the landscaping area is about 370,000 square meters, the ecological water area is about 18,000 square meters, the road square area is about 112,000 square meters, and the supporting buildings are about 16,000 square meters. The topography is like a huge ecological bonsai.

Since last year, more than 200 urban parks have been built and put into use in Chongqing. This year, Chongqing has also carried out the renovation of old urban parks, improving the quality of more than 100 old urban parks, updating suitable plant varieties, enhancing the landscape effect of the park, and allowing the park to play more of the role of the city’s “green lung” and relieving the pressure of the citizens.

The most beautiful lane

Let old streets and old lanes once again amaze the times

In Chongqing, there is such a place where you can observe the light rail crossing the building, witness the river cableway, and appreciate the beauty of Hongyadong... That is the Zaozilanya Trail in Yuzhong District.

Since the beginning of this year, with the deepening of various innovative measures in urban management, the effective implementation of projects such as the control of disorderly demolition and street cleaning, Zaozilanya Trail is a typical case. The original Zaozilanya Trail Stairway was damaged, green plants were missing, and street lights were not on. It was very inconvenient for residents to travel. Therefore, residents had strong opinions and reactions.

After collecting suggestions from residents in the jurisdiction, the Zaozilanya Trail Reconstruction Project officially entered the site in November 2019 and was completed in December. After reconstruction, the Zaozilanya Trail will be designed with the theme of “Time in Time”, mainly using mosaics, broken tiles, and ceramic art thin rock slabs to inject new vitality into the trail block. At the same time, the unique cultural elements of Chongqing will be introduced after the reform and opening up. The representative elements of each age are integrated into the whole trail, evoking the changes in people’s memories of life. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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