“The Fast and the Furious” in Chongqing
2020 Chongqing 3rd Autocross was held at Mexin Shanlianfeng Outdoor Off-road Base.

“The Fast and the Furious” in Chongqing


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, 2020 Chongqing 3rd Autocross was held at Mexin Shanlianfeng Outdoor Off-road Base, and over 60 racing drivers showed a Chongqing version of “The Fast and The Furious”. It is reported that this event is the first one facing the whole country, and held at the base where is about 100mu, covering over 60 racing drivers of professional team, public team, production team, women’s team and UVT team. In addition, the champion of the professional team will be awarded more than 10,000 yuan and the first eight drivers will also be awarded respectively.

The excellent performance by racing drivers attracted many audiences. It is reported that the youngest participant is only 9 years old. The 9-year-old Zhang Qihang said that “I have a great sense of achievement after finishing a round.” He has loved racing cars since he was a child, and this was the first time for him to participate in such an event, so he had a great sense of achievement.

He Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Linshi Town, Fuling, said that “The national autocross is a trans-provincial sports event, and it is favorable for Fuling to introduce and develop it in Linshi Town for a long time, and good for creating the project integrating “sports + tourism”. Next, Linshi Town will also grasp the great opportunity of being integrated into Fuling Harbor Economic Zone, and focuses on promoting rural revitalization by rural tourism so as to comprehensively speed up the regional tourism development, and the Pilot Area of Fuling Culture-Tourism Integration, and Agriculture-Tourism Integration.

It is reported that Fuling has paid much attention to the integrative development of tourism and sports, supported sports events and activities held at scenic areas for the past few years, and focused on creating a batch of brands of sports events. Next, Fuling will, based on the events held at the scenic areas, makes use of the events to promote the scenic areas and drive the tourism market development of Fuling, and strives to create Fuling as an influential sports tourism destination of Chongqing. 

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“The Fast and the Furious” in Chongqing

2020-12-03 10:32:29 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, 2020 Chongqing 3rd Autocross was held at Mexin Shanlianfeng Outdoor Off-road Base, and over 60 racing drivers showed a Chongqing version of “The Fast and The Furious”. It is reported that this event is the first one facing the whole country, and held at the base where is about 100mu, covering over 60 racing drivers of professional team, public team, production team, women’s team and UVT team. In addition, the champion of the professional team will be awarded more than 10,000 yuan and the first eight drivers will also be awarded respectively.

The excellent performance by racing drivers attracted many audiences. It is reported that the youngest participant is only 9 years old. The 9-year-old Zhang Qihang said that “I have a great sense of achievement after finishing a round.” He has loved racing cars since he was a child, and this was the first time for him to participate in such an event, so he had a great sense of achievement.

He Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Linshi Town, Fuling, said that “The national autocross is a trans-provincial sports event, and it is favorable for Fuling to introduce and develop it in Linshi Town for a long time, and good for creating the project integrating “sports + tourism”. Next, Linshi Town will also grasp the great opportunity of being integrated into Fuling Harbor Economic Zone, and focuses on promoting rural revitalization by rural tourism so as to comprehensively speed up the regional tourism development, and the Pilot Area of Fuling Culture-Tourism Integration, and Agriculture-Tourism Integration.

It is reported that Fuling has paid much attention to the integrative development of tourism and sports, supported sports events and activities held at scenic areas for the past few years, and focused on creating a batch of brands of sports events. Next, Fuling will, based on the events held at the scenic areas, makes use of the events to promote the scenic areas and drive the tourism market development of Fuling, and strives to create Fuling as an influential sports tourism destination of Chongqing. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]