The 8th “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open Tournament held
Recently, the 8th “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open Tournament was opened.

The 8th “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open Tournament held


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the 8th “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open Tournament was opened at Dadukou Stadium. There are 11 individual events in doubles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. Participants are required to be over 12 years old. Mixed doubles are limited to players over 40. In addition, in order to provide amateur badminton enthusiasts with a fair platform for exchanges, they can be found in the Table Tennis and Badminton Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sports and the former National Sports Commission. All registered athletes are not allowed to register for the competition.

The “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open provides badminton enthusiasts with an opportunity to get close to the Olympic champions. Li Xuerui was in the field, but at the opening ceremony, she cheered the contestants via a video. She also stated that she would be present at the game site to present awards to the players, and all badminton enthusiasts can go to the Dadukou Stadium to watch the game.

Many players were regular players of the “Li Xuerui Cup” competition. These “veterans” have said that they were coming for Li Xuerui’s “Golden Brant”. Wang Lin, a contestant who has been paying attention to the competition since 2013, said: “I am a big fan of Li Xuerui! I like badminton very much. The atmosphere of this Amateur Open is great! So I sign up every year. Winning is not important! It is enough to be able to compete with many amateur masters and to see Li Xuerui!”

The “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open was held for the first time in 2013. After years of development, it has been deeply concerned and loved by badminton enthusiasts. Since the competition has been held, the cumulative number of participants has reached nearly 6,000, and it has become the largest one of the influential amateur badminton tournaments with the highest competitive level. In October this year, this tournament was rated as “Chongqing Top Ten Tourism Boutique Tournament”. (Translated by Luo Juan, Fathom Language Limited)

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The 8th “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open Tournament held

2020-12-21 09:16:02 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the 8th “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open Tournament was opened at Dadukou Stadium. There are 11 individual events in doubles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. Participants are required to be over 12 years old. Mixed doubles are limited to players over 40. In addition, in order to provide amateur badminton enthusiasts with a fair platform for exchanges, they can be found in the Table Tennis and Badminton Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sports and the former National Sports Commission. All registered athletes are not allowed to register for the competition.

The “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open provides badminton enthusiasts with an opportunity to get close to the Olympic champions. Li Xuerui was in the field, but at the opening ceremony, she cheered the contestants via a video. She also stated that she would be present at the game site to present awards to the players, and all badminton enthusiasts can go to the Dadukou Stadium to watch the game.

Many players were regular players of the “Li Xuerui Cup” competition. These “veterans” have said that they were coming for Li Xuerui’s “Golden Brant”. Wang Lin, a contestant who has been paying attention to the competition since 2013, said: “I am a big fan of Li Xuerui! I like badminton very much. The atmosphere of this Amateur Open is great! So I sign up every year. Winning is not important! It is enough to be able to compete with many amateur masters and to see Li Xuerui!”

The “Li Xuerui Cup” Amateur Badminton Open was held for the first time in 2013. After years of development, it has been deeply concerned and loved by badminton enthusiasts. Since the competition has been held, the cumulative number of participants has reached nearly 6,000, and it has become the largest one of the influential amateur badminton tournaments with the highest competitive level. In October this year, this tournament was rated as “Chongqing Top Ten Tourism Boutique Tournament”. (Translated by Luo Juan, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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