The maiden flight made in Fairy Mountain Airport
The much-anticipated Chongqing Fairy Mountain is officially opened for business!

The maiden flight made in Fairy Mountain Airport


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The much-anticipated Chongqing Fairy Mountain is officially opened for business! At 09: 21 on December 18, a Airbus 320 passenger flight of Chongqing Airlines took off from Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport and landed on Fairy Mountain Airport at 09: 48, marking the official opening of Chongqing Fairy Mountain Airport. In future, it will only take about half an hour from Chongqing to Wulong by air.


Half an hour from Chongqing to Fairy Mountain

It is reported that the maiden flight of Chongqing Fairy Mountain Airport was conducted by the Airbus 320 of Chongqing Airlines. Chongqing Airlines designated the skilled and experienced flight crews and adopted the “Double Captains” measure to secure the flight safety.

“It’s my first time to fly back home. I am so excited.” Mrs. Huang, a passenger of the maiden flight, said that she was born in Wulong but worked in Chongqing, and she drove back home for her parents when she was not busy. “Driving by myself is so tiring. But after the opening of the Airport, it takes only about half an hour, so I can visit home more often in the future,” said Mrs. Huang.

As to lines, currently, Fairy Mountain Airport has confirmed lines including Shanghai - Wulong - Chengdu, Jinan - Wulong - Chengdu, Hangzhou - Wulong - Chengdu and Chongqing - Wulong; and lines to Beijing, Hefei, Foshan, Xi’an, Kunming and Hefei are under negotiation.

It is worth mentioning that after the maiden flight, Fairy Mountain Airport will be put into operation in 2021 Summer and Autumn Flight Seasons (starting from the last Sunday of March). By then, visitors can immediately arrive at Wulong by air; and it only takes 10 minutes from Wulong Fairy Mountain Airport to Fairy Mountain Prairie. (Translated by Zhou Tuo, Fathom Language Limited)

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The maiden flight made in Fairy Mountain Airport

2020-12-23 15:45:50 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The much-anticipated Chongqing Fairy Mountain is officially opened for business! At 09: 21 on December 18, a Airbus 320 passenger flight of Chongqing Airlines took off from Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport and landed on Fairy Mountain Airport at 09: 48, marking the official opening of Chongqing Fairy Mountain Airport. In future, it will only take about half an hour from Chongqing to Wulong by air.


Half an hour from Chongqing to Fairy Mountain

It is reported that the maiden flight of Chongqing Fairy Mountain Airport was conducted by the Airbus 320 of Chongqing Airlines. Chongqing Airlines designated the skilled and experienced flight crews and adopted the “Double Captains” measure to secure the flight safety.

“It’s my first time to fly back home. I am so excited.” Mrs. Huang, a passenger of the maiden flight, said that she was born in Wulong but worked in Chongqing, and she drove back home for her parents when she was not busy. “Driving by myself is so tiring. But after the opening of the Airport, it takes only about half an hour, so I can visit home more often in the future,” said Mrs. Huang.

As to lines, currently, Fairy Mountain Airport has confirmed lines including Shanghai - Wulong - Chengdu, Jinan - Wulong - Chengdu, Hangzhou - Wulong - Chengdu and Chongqing - Wulong; and lines to Beijing, Hefei, Foshan, Xi’an, Kunming and Hefei are under negotiation.

It is worth mentioning that after the maiden flight, Fairy Mountain Airport will be put into operation in 2021 Summer and Autumn Flight Seasons (starting from the last Sunday of March). By then, visitors can immediately arrive at Wulong by air; and it only takes 10 minutes from Wulong Fairy Mountain Airport to Fairy Mountain Prairie. (Translated by Zhou Tuo, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]