High-speed train “passing through building” comes
Chongqing Longfor Jinsha Paradise Walk has opened to the public.

High-speed train “passing through building” comes


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The first business circle in high-speed railway TOD (transit-oriented development) in China – Chongqing Longfor Jinsha Paradise Walk, will be open to the public on December 30. With rail and high-speed rail lines running underneath and in close proximity to the bus hub, how will the business circle and the transport hub be seamlessly integrated and what are the highlights of the construction? The reporter recently made a site visit.

The railway integrated transportation hub at Shapingba Station is the first project in China to make use of urban space on top of a railway station yard, and the commercial and business complex on top of it is the first business circle in high-speed railway TOD in China, with a construction scale of 480,000 square meters.

TOD is a transit-oriented development model, which is centered on a rail transit station, with a radius of 600-800m (about 10 minutes walking distance) for intensive development, creating a mixed functional area with work, commerce, culture, shopping, entertainment, travel and housing, etc. The development will achieve a high degree of harmony among production, living and ecology.

The TOD project consists of a podium and towers, of which the Twin Towers are SOHO buildings with 40 floors, while Jinsha Paradise Walk is divided into Pavilions A and B. At present, 500 brands have settled in the Paradise Walk.

The reporter saw that workers were doing the final cleaning before opening. Two traffic cores are located on both sides of the Paradise Walk, and the signs in it are marked with the words “Railway Transit” to guide visitors.

It is worth mentioning that as this is an urban space utilization project on top of a railway station, the high-speed railway lines run underneath and therefore a viewing platform has been created on the 4th floor of Pavilion A of the Paradise Walk, where you can see the view of the high-speed trains “passing through the building” and the view of the trains entering and leaving the station. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

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High-speed train “passing through building” comes

2020-12-31 15:49:58 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The first business circle in high-speed railway TOD (transit-oriented development) in China – Chongqing Longfor Jinsha Paradise Walk, will be open to the public on December 30. With rail and high-speed rail lines running underneath and in close proximity to the bus hub, how will the business circle and the transport hub be seamlessly integrated and what are the highlights of the construction? The reporter recently made a site visit.

The railway integrated transportation hub at Shapingba Station is the first project in China to make use of urban space on top of a railway station yard, and the commercial and business complex on top of it is the first business circle in high-speed railway TOD in China, with a construction scale of 480,000 square meters.

TOD is a transit-oriented development model, which is centered on a rail transit station, with a radius of 600-800m (about 10 minutes walking distance) for intensive development, creating a mixed functional area with work, commerce, culture, shopping, entertainment, travel and housing, etc. The development will achieve a high degree of harmony among production, living and ecology.

The TOD project consists of a podium and towers, of which the Twin Towers are SOHO buildings with 40 floors, while Jinsha Paradise Walk is divided into Pavilions A and B. At present, 500 brands have settled in the Paradise Walk.

The reporter saw that workers were doing the final cleaning before opening. Two traffic cores are located on both sides of the Paradise Walk, and the signs in it are marked with the words “Railway Transit” to guide visitors.

It is worth mentioning that as this is an urban space utilization project on top of a railway station, the high-speed railway lines run underneath and therefore a viewing platform has been created on the 4th floor of Pavilion A of the Paradise Walk, where you can see the view of the high-speed trains “passing through the building” and the view of the trains entering and leaving the station. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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