Chaotianmen Station of Line 1 CRT in service
Chongqing Rail Transit Line 1 Chaotianmen Section (Chaotianmen - Xiaoshi) started a trial operation.

Chaotianmen Station of Line 1 CRT in service


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Chongqing Rail Transit Line 1 Chaotianmen Section (Chaotianmen - Xiaoshi) started a trial operation, and the eye-catching Chaotianmen Station debuted. 

When a train arrives at the Station, its doors on both sides are opened and passengers are separated effectively.

Chaotianmen Station is the start of CRT Line 1. It is an underground station at the intersection of Xinhua Road and Xinyi Street in Yuzhong District.

Entering Chaotianmen Station, you will see the logo color of CRT Line 1 - garnet red. On the platform floor, when a train arrives at the station, it opens doors on both sides, allowing passengers to get on and off the train more quickly than at other stations opening the doors on one side.

It is understood that when a train arrives at the station, it opens the doors on both sides so that inbound passengers get on the intermediate island-type platform and outbound passengers get off from the side-type platform. Outbound passengers and inbound passengers do not affect each other, thus effectively separating passengers and improving travel efficiency.

Firstly-opened 3 entrances are convenient for citizens to go to Raffles Chongqing or experience Liangjiang Tour

The reporter saw that Chaotianmen Station entrance information showed that the Station has a total of 6 entrances including entrances 2, 4 and 5 opened and entrances 1, 3 and 6 temporarily closed.

You can enter Raffles Chongqing by going 20m away from Entrance 2. After visiting Raffles Chongqing, you can directly go to Chaotianmen Square to enjoy the river view, or go to Chaotianmen Wharf to experience Liangjiang Tour.

The other two entrances available are Entrance 4 which connects Chaoqian Road and Xinhua Road; and Entrance 5 which is adjacent to Zhaoqian Road and you can walk about 900m across Mianhua Street and Cangbai Road to Hongyadong. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

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Chaotianmen Station of Line 1 CRT in service

2021-01-05 15:40:17 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Chongqing Rail Transit Line 1 Chaotianmen Section (Chaotianmen - Xiaoshi) started a trial operation, and the eye-catching Chaotianmen Station debuted. 

When a train arrives at the Station, its doors on both sides are opened and passengers are separated effectively.

Chaotianmen Station is the start of CRT Line 1. It is an underground station at the intersection of Xinhua Road and Xinyi Street in Yuzhong District.

Entering Chaotianmen Station, you will see the logo color of CRT Line 1 - garnet red. On the platform floor, when a train arrives at the station, it opens doors on both sides, allowing passengers to get on and off the train more quickly than at other stations opening the doors on one side.

It is understood that when a train arrives at the station, it opens the doors on both sides so that inbound passengers get on the intermediate island-type platform and outbound passengers get off from the side-type platform. Outbound passengers and inbound passengers do not affect each other, thus effectively separating passengers and improving travel efficiency.

Firstly-opened 3 entrances are convenient for citizens to go to Raffles Chongqing or experience Liangjiang Tour

The reporter saw that Chaotianmen Station entrance information showed that the Station has a total of 6 entrances including entrances 2, 4 and 5 opened and entrances 1, 3 and 6 temporarily closed.

You can enter Raffles Chongqing by going 20m away from Entrance 2. After visiting Raffles Chongqing, you can directly go to Chaotianmen Square to enjoy the river view, or go to Chaotianmen Wharf to experience Liangjiang Tour.

The other two entrances available are Entrance 4 which connects Chaoqian Road and Xinhua Road; and Entrance 5 which is adjacent to Zhaoqian Road and you can walk about 900m across Mianhua Street and Cangbai Road to Hongyadong. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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