How do these animals at Chongqing Zoo spend the winter?

What about the animals in Chongqing Zoo who are afraid of the cold?

How do these animals at Chongqing Zoo spend the winter?


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Accompanied by the cold wave, the temperature in Chongqing has continued to drop, and people have put on thick winter clothes to keep warm. What about the animals in the zoo who are afraid of the cold? According to Chongqing Zoo, the staff of the Zoo have prepared a variety of cold-proof and warming facilities for nearly 100 species of animals who are afraid of the cold, including air conditioners, heaters, oil heaters, heating lamps and heating rods to help them withstand the cold.

The reporter saw in the Zoo that Amphibians and Reptiles House is equipped with fan heaters, heating radiators, heating lamps, underfloor heating and heating rods to keep pythons, lizards, tortoises and crocodiles warm; the pools for sea turtles, Varanus Salvators etc. are heated so that the animals can enjoy the benefits of a “hot tub”.

According to Tang Jagui, Director of Animal Management Department, Chongqing Zoo, as a way of keeping out the cold wind, many of the houses at Chongqing Zoo, such as the entry and exit routes for white rhinoceroses, have also been fitted with thick door curtains to improve insulation. The interior of White Rhinocero House is also equipped with several heating lamps and oil heaters to keep the room temperature up to around 14°C.

In the Lovely Animals Area, sloths and Lesser Anteaters enjoy the comfort of air conditioning as they spend their first winter in Chongqing. The room is kept at a constant temperature of over 20°C and is equipped with a humidifier to control the temperature and humidity; the Slender-tailed Meerkats gather at the heating lamps to keep warm.

In the Orangutan House, the Orangutans “Hongdou” and “Lele” are playing in the warm indoor house. The House is not only heated by underfloor heating, but is also covered with thick sawn wood shavings, which not only keep orangutans warm but also add to the fun. In addition, the interior is equipped with underfloor heating and oil heaters, so that the temperature can reach 18°C. When the weather is fine, they also go out to the outside playground to sunbathe.

However, not all animals need extra warmth. Animals that are not afraid of the cold, such as pandas, tigers and alpacas, are hardly affected by the harsh winters when they play outdoors

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How do these animals at Chongqing Zoo spend the winter?

2021-01-13 09:46:02 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Accompanied by the cold wave, the temperature in Chongqing has continued to drop, and people have put on thick winter clothes to keep warm. What about the animals in the zoo who are afraid of the cold? According to Chongqing Zoo, the staff of the Zoo have prepared a variety of cold-proof and warming facilities for nearly 100 species of animals who are afraid of the cold, including air conditioners, heaters, oil heaters, heating lamps and heating rods to help them withstand the cold.

The reporter saw in the Zoo that Amphibians and Reptiles House is equipped with fan heaters, heating radiators, heating lamps, underfloor heating and heating rods to keep pythons, lizards, tortoises and crocodiles warm; the pools for sea turtles, Varanus Salvators etc. are heated so that the animals can enjoy the benefits of a “hot tub”.

According to Tang Jagui, Director of Animal Management Department, Chongqing Zoo, as a way of keeping out the cold wind, many of the houses at Chongqing Zoo, such as the entry and exit routes for white rhinoceroses, have also been fitted with thick door curtains to improve insulation. The interior of White Rhinocero House is also equipped with several heating lamps and oil heaters to keep the room temperature up to around 14°C.

In the Lovely Animals Area, sloths and Lesser Anteaters enjoy the comfort of air conditioning as they spend their first winter in Chongqing. The room is kept at a constant temperature of over 20°C and is equipped with a humidifier to control the temperature and humidity; the Slender-tailed Meerkats gather at the heating lamps to keep warm.

In the Orangutan House, the Orangutans “Hongdou” and “Lele” are playing in the warm indoor house. The House is not only heated by underfloor heating, but is also covered with thick sawn wood shavings, which not only keep orangutans warm but also add to the fun. In addition, the interior is equipped with underfloor heating and oil heaters, so that the temperature can reach 18°C. When the weather is fine, they also go out to the outside playground to sunbathe.

However, not all animals need extra warmth. Animals that are not afraid of the cold, such as pandas, tigers and alpacas, are hardly affected by the harsh winters when they play outdoors

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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