A collector of 800 “branded cars”
It is his dream to own all kinds of “branded cars” in the world.

A collector of 800 “branded cars”


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- It is his dream to own all kinds of “branded cars” in the world, and his love of cars and making miniature scenes has become a joy in his life after work. In Yubei District, Chongqing, Wu Peng, a travel experience designer, wants to fuse the characteristics of Mountain City’s landscape with model cars to share the joy with more friends.

Wu Peng’s collection room is like a car museum, with a wide variety of car models. Due to a change in his work role since 2015, collecting small scale model cars has become a hobby for Wu Peng. “When I was a child, whenever my father took me to Chongqing Zoo, he would buy me model cars, and collecting them is considered my childhood tracing…”

Wu Peng said that the current collection of model cars is mainly in 1 to 64 and 1 to 87 scale, and he is most keen on collecting rally series, and currently has more than 800 different kinds of model cars. To him, car models are not just toys, they are meticulously scaled down and meticulously crafted. To reflect the speed and power of rallying, Wu Peng also specializes in creating miniature scenes. “There are now small scale model car collecting groups in every city in the country to facilitate online communication, and there is one in Chongqing, where we sometimes get together for on-site communication.”

The involvement of his daughter in his collection is something Wu Peng remembers fondly. “When I went to the shop with my daughter, she was able to give tips on how to choose an interesting and fun model car. When I finish collecting and building model car scenes myself, I give them to friends as gifts to share the joy.”

Wu Peng said that he still wants to complete the rally series, which is a long-term process, and also wants to replicate the characteristics of Chongqing’s landscape with model car scenes, and his biggest wish is to build a model car exhibition hall, so that more car fans can share this joy with him. 

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A collector of 800 “branded cars”

2021-01-27 09:30:53 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- It is his dream to own all kinds of “branded cars” in the world, and his love of cars and making miniature scenes has become a joy in his life after work. In Yubei District, Chongqing, Wu Peng, a travel experience designer, wants to fuse the characteristics of Mountain City’s landscape with model cars to share the joy with more friends.

Wu Peng’s collection room is like a car museum, with a wide variety of car models. Due to a change in his work role since 2015, collecting small scale model cars has become a hobby for Wu Peng. “When I was a child, whenever my father took me to Chongqing Zoo, he would buy me model cars, and collecting them is considered my childhood tracing…”

Wu Peng said that the current collection of model cars is mainly in 1 to 64 and 1 to 87 scale, and he is most keen on collecting rally series, and currently has more than 800 different kinds of model cars. To him, car models are not just toys, they are meticulously scaled down and meticulously crafted. To reflect the speed and power of rallying, Wu Peng also specializes in creating miniature scenes. “There are now small scale model car collecting groups in every city in the country to facilitate online communication, and there is one in Chongqing, where we sometimes get together for on-site communication.”

The involvement of his daughter in his collection is something Wu Peng remembers fondly. “When I went to the shop with my daughter, she was able to give tips on how to choose an interesting and fun model car. When I finish collecting and building model car scenes myself, I give them to friends as gifts to share the joy.”

Wu Peng said that he still wants to complete the rally series, which is a long-term process, and also wants to replicate the characteristics of Chongqing’s landscape with model car scenes, and his biggest wish is to build a model car exhibition hall, so that more car fans can share this joy with him. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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