Beautiful lightings for the Spring Festival creating dense festival atmosphere
With festive colors and exquisite models, Chongqing has been decorated with colorful lanterns.

Beautiful lightings for the Spring Festival creating dense festival atmosphere


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the Spring Festival is coming, the festival atmosphere is growing! With festive colors and exquisite models, Chongqing has been decorated with colorful lanterns all over the city recently.

Nan’an Danzishi Square, Jiangbei Guanyinqiao Pedestrian Street, Yuzhong Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street and other places have been covered with the “festival dress.” Among these lights, in addition to the traditional red lanterns, there were star-shaped lights, colored ball-shaped lights, cattle-shaped lights and other styles of colored lights. In addition, Nanbin Road lighting integrated Bayu 12 scenes into it, so that the public can feel the charming traditional culture of mountainous city.

During this Spring Festival, thank you for spending the Spring Festival locally! No matter where you are, watching and helping each other, and loving and being righteous, are the most special thing during the Chinese Spring Festival. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

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Beautiful lightings for the Spring Festival creating dense festival atmosphere

2021-02-07 10:03:28 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the Spring Festival is coming, the festival atmosphere is growing! With festive colors and exquisite models, Chongqing has been decorated with colorful lanterns all over the city recently.

Nan’an Danzishi Square, Jiangbei Guanyinqiao Pedestrian Street, Yuzhong Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street and other places have been covered with the “festival dress.” Among these lights, in addition to the traditional red lanterns, there were star-shaped lights, colored ball-shaped lights, cattle-shaped lights and other styles of colored lights. In addition, Nanbin Road lighting integrated Bayu 12 scenes into it, so that the public can feel the charming traditional culture of mountainous city.

During this Spring Festival, thank you for spending the Spring Festival locally! No matter where you are, watching and helping each other, and loving and being righteous, are the most special thing during the Chinese Spring Festival. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]