Stroll in characteristic footpaths in Yuzhong District
It’s a good idea to take a stroll along footpaths and reminisce about the past.

Stroll in characteristic footpaths in Yuzhong District


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the Spring Festival is approaching, many citizens are also planning their travel plans for the holiday. It’s a good idea to take a stroll along footpaths and reminisce about the past. A reporter learned from Yuzhong Daxigou Sub-district that in order to let the public have a better travel experience, Zhangjiahuayuan Footpath, Zaoerxiang Footpath and the Eighth Footpath have been upgraded and owned a new look. 

The reporter saw that Zaoerxiang Footpath located nearby Chongqing No. 42 Middle School, hidden among old residential buildings and only about 300-meter long, connects Renhe Street and Zaozilanya Center Street. Before the Footpath, there are many guide signs of the Footpath. Entering the Footpath, the reporter saw that the ground was newly replaced with granites, and black and fashionable convenient seats and street lamps beside the footpath. The original mottled old walls on both sides of the Footpath were painted with landscape “pen drawings” such as river-crossing ropeway, Liziba Railway Station and Hongyadong, so that citizens can feel the culture of the mountainous city at any time.

The Eighth Footpath is not far away from Zaoerxiang Footpath. Starting from Renhe Street Bus 829 Stop, extending upward to Zaozilanya, connecting Cultural Palace Lane, and the Outpatient Department of the Children’s Hospital at Zhongshan Second Road, it is about 1km in length. After being rebuilt, the Eighth Footpath has beautiful scenery. It is mainly decorated with red bricks and green tiles. The quiet road is covered with green slabs, showing a thick cultural atmosphere. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

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Stroll in characteristic footpaths in Yuzhong District

2021-02-09 16:02:39 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the Spring Festival is approaching, many citizens are also planning their travel plans for the holiday. It’s a good idea to take a stroll along footpaths and reminisce about the past. A reporter learned from Yuzhong Daxigou Sub-district that in order to let the public have a better travel experience, Zhangjiahuayuan Footpath, Zaoerxiang Footpath and the Eighth Footpath have been upgraded and owned a new look. 

The reporter saw that Zaoerxiang Footpath located nearby Chongqing No. 42 Middle School, hidden among old residential buildings and only about 300-meter long, connects Renhe Street and Zaozilanya Center Street. Before the Footpath, there are many guide signs of the Footpath. Entering the Footpath, the reporter saw that the ground was newly replaced with granites, and black and fashionable convenient seats and street lamps beside the footpath. The original mottled old walls on both sides of the Footpath were painted with landscape “pen drawings” such as river-crossing ropeway, Liziba Railway Station and Hongyadong, so that citizens can feel the culture of the mountainous city at any time.

The Eighth Footpath is not far away from Zaoerxiang Footpath. Starting from Renhe Street Bus 829 Stop, extending upward to Zaozilanya, connecting Cultural Palace Lane, and the Outpatient Department of the Children’s Hospital at Zhongshan Second Road, it is about 1km in length. After being rebuilt, the Eighth Footpath has beautiful scenery. It is mainly decorated with red bricks and green tiles. The quiet road is covered with green slabs, showing a thick cultural atmosphere. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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