A special greeting for the Year of the Ox
During the Chinese New Year, Chinese police on peacekeeping duty in Cyprus held their posts.

A special greeting for the Year of the Ox


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During the Chinese New Year, Chinese police on peacekeeping duty in Cyprus held their posts in a special field environment, working tirelessly for the noble mission of peace. You Yong, a police officer from Yubei Branch of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau who was on a peacekeeping mission, also sent his New Year greeting to his country and people in a unique way, “As an active member of the peacekeeping, the transmission of friendship and the maintenance of world peace, I wish all of you a happy and peace Year of the Ox on this occasion.”

In 2020, You Yong was sent to Cyprus to participate in peacekeeping service as part of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau’s peacekeeping police force to the United Nations. Cyprus is located in the north-eastern Mediterranean. The United Nations has established a buffer zone of more than 180 kilometers in the north of Cyprus and a United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus in order to avoid conflict between local communities. Peacekeepers from 16 countries, including China, work together currently to keep peace in the buffer zone.

In Pila village, where Yu Yong works, disputes and fights between local residents occur, and the peacekeepers often have to coordinate and resolve them. You Yong was awarded the UN Medal in the Service of Peace in November 2020 as one of the representatives of Chinese Peacekeeping Police Force at the UN Medal award ceremony, together with fellow peacekeepers from many countries.

According to the deployment of the Ministry of Public Security in 2020, Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau sent peacekeeping police officers to Cyprus and South Sudan. Yubei Branch sent its core police force to participate in peacekeeping service. The selected police officers did a solid job in preventing and controlling COVID-19, while performing their duties with determination, tenacity and good manner, fully demonstrating the positive international police image of Yubei Branch. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

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A special greeting for the Year of the Ox

2021-02-19 15:23:43 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During the Chinese New Year, Chinese police on peacekeeping duty in Cyprus held their posts in a special field environment, working tirelessly for the noble mission of peace. You Yong, a police officer from Yubei Branch of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau who was on a peacekeeping mission, also sent his New Year greeting to his country and people in a unique way, “As an active member of the peacekeeping, the transmission of friendship and the maintenance of world peace, I wish all of you a happy and peace Year of the Ox on this occasion.”

In 2020, You Yong was sent to Cyprus to participate in peacekeeping service as part of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau’s peacekeeping police force to the United Nations. Cyprus is located in the north-eastern Mediterranean. The United Nations has established a buffer zone of more than 180 kilometers in the north of Cyprus and a United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus in order to avoid conflict between local communities. Peacekeepers from 16 countries, including China, work together currently to keep peace in the buffer zone.

In Pila village, where Yu Yong works, disputes and fights between local residents occur, and the peacekeepers often have to coordinate and resolve them. You Yong was awarded the UN Medal in the Service of Peace in November 2020 as one of the representatives of Chinese Peacekeeping Police Force at the UN Medal award ceremony, together with fellow peacekeepers from many countries.

According to the deployment of the Ministry of Public Security in 2020, Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau sent peacekeeping police officers to Cyprus and South Sudan. Yubei Branch sent its core police force to participate in peacekeeping service. The selected police officers did a solid job in preventing and controlling COVID-19, while performing their duties with determination, tenacity and good manner, fully demonstrating the positive international police image of Yubei Branch. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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