Dayuwan become popular parent-child paradise
Recently, with the drop of the water level, a large beach resurfaced again, attracting a large number of citizens to play。

Dayuwan become popular parent-child paradise


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In the early summer of last year, Dayuwan, Jiangbeizui, Jiangbei District, became popular on Wechat Moments because of its beautiful scenery of sunshine and sand.

Recently, with the drop of the water level, a large beach resurfaced again, attracting a large number of citizens to play, and most of parents brought their children to play sand and enjoy sunbathing.

As the number of tourists increased, there was also some rubbish on the beach. Volunteers of Jiangbeicheng Sub-district cleaned up and picked up rubbish on the beach. Members of the Community Integrated Services Team were also at the scene to urge citizens to pay attention to safety and protect the environment. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

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Dayuwan become popular parent-child paradise

2021-02-20 09:34:57 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In the early summer of last year, Dayuwan, Jiangbeizui, Jiangbei District, became popular on Wechat Moments because of its beautiful scenery of sunshine and sand.

Recently, with the drop of the water level, a large beach resurfaced again, attracting a large number of citizens to play, and most of parents brought their children to play sand and enjoy sunbathing.

As the number of tourists increased, there was also some rubbish on the beach. Volunteers of Jiangbeicheng Sub-district cleaned up and picked up rubbish on the beach. Members of the Community Integrated Services Team were also at the scene to urge citizens to pay attention to safety and protect the environment. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]