Spring in full swing in Tongluo Flower Valley
Spring is in full swing in Chongqing as the temperature gradually warms up.

Spring in full swing in Tongluo Flower Valley


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Chongqing is colorful in spring. Spring is in full swing in Chongqing as the temperature gradually warms up. Recently, Chongqing’s “Train to Spring” has gone viral online, attracting people to visit and take photos. In fact, you may not know that there is also a flower-viewing destination hidden along the Yangtze River in Chongqing - Tongluo Flower Valley Ecological Garden. When the reporter visited the scenic area recently, he saw that the early peach and beautiful cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and the turquoise river and the flowers on the hillside formed a beautiful picture.

On February 24, the weather was sunny and the stepped canyon was full of flowers in Tongluo Flower Valley Ecological Garden on the banks of the Yangtze River in Nan’an District, where mountains, water, flowers and rocks blended into one. As you walk along the mountain trail, you will find a land of idyllic beauty.

“The early peach and beautiful cherry blossoms are now in bloom.” According to Zhang Shunyin, the person in charge of the Ecological Garden, the Ecological Garden has flowers to enjoy from February onwards until May: early peach and beautiful cherry blossoms in February, azalea in March, roses in April and big-leaf hydrangea in May. “Tongluo Flower Valley covers an area of over 200mu. In addition to enjoying the flowers, you can also experience picking passion fruit in the Ecological Garden in June and July. We have also grown thousands of passion fruit plants to create a corridor.”

The reporter also learned that the Ecological Garden is currently in a trial opening period, as it has recently improved its infrastructure and the project is nearing completion and will be officially opened to the public again around March 8, “This will include the opening of our courtyard hotpot and cave B&B, which will give the public a better space to enjoy themselves.” 

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Spring in full swing in Tongluo Flower Valley

2021-03-02 15:20:20 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Chongqing is colorful in spring. Spring is in full swing in Chongqing as the temperature gradually warms up. Recently, Chongqing’s “Train to Spring” has gone viral online, attracting people to visit and take photos. In fact, you may not know that there is also a flower-viewing destination hidden along the Yangtze River in Chongqing - Tongluo Flower Valley Ecological Garden. When the reporter visited the scenic area recently, he saw that the early peach and beautiful cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and the turquoise river and the flowers on the hillside formed a beautiful picture.

On February 24, the weather was sunny and the stepped canyon was full of flowers in Tongluo Flower Valley Ecological Garden on the banks of the Yangtze River in Nan’an District, where mountains, water, flowers and rocks blended into one. As you walk along the mountain trail, you will find a land of idyllic beauty.

“The early peach and beautiful cherry blossoms are now in bloom.” According to Zhang Shunyin, the person in charge of the Ecological Garden, the Ecological Garden has flowers to enjoy from February onwards until May: early peach and beautiful cherry blossoms in February, azalea in March, roses in April and big-leaf hydrangea in May. “Tongluo Flower Valley covers an area of over 200mu. In addition to enjoying the flowers, you can also experience picking passion fruit in the Ecological Garden in June and July. We have also grown thousands of passion fruit plants to create a corridor.”

The reporter also learned that the Ecological Garden is currently in a trial opening period, as it has recently improved its infrastructure and the project is nearing completion and will be officially opened to the public again around March 8, “This will include the opening of our courtyard hotpot and cave B&B, which will give the public a better space to enjoy themselves.” 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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