Plum blossoms as white as snow in Yubei Yinhe
A lot of people came to enjoy plum blossoms in Yin Box Village, Yubei District early in the morning.

Plum blossoms as white as snow in Yubei Yinhe


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A lot of people came to enjoy plum blossoms in Yin Box Village, Yubei District early in the morning, where the white plum blossoms dotted the hills like snow-capped mountains with their wonderful fragrance. Last weekend, the 11th Yubei Yinhe Plum Blossom Festival also kicked off, with 30,000 mu of plum blossoms “welcoming” visitors in the spring.

Early in the morning, Lan Lan, a photography enthusiast, drove to Yinhe with her camera. “When I learned of the opening date of the Plum Blossom Festival, I made an appointment with some friends who are photography enthusiasts to here and photograph the plum blossoms.” Lan Lan said that this is the third year in a row that they have photographed the plum blossoms in Yinhe, and each year they have been rewarded with wonderfully beautiful pictures on site.

In recent years, Tongjing Township has continued to carry out plum blossom festivals in Yinhe Village, using the opportunity brought by the 30,000 mu of plum blossoms to drive the development of various industries and thus improve the living standards of local villagers.

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Plum blossoms as white as snow in Yubei Yinhe

2021-03-05 14:39:59 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A lot of people came to enjoy plum blossoms in Yin Box Village, Yubei District early in the morning, where the white plum blossoms dotted the hills like snow-capped mountains with their wonderful fragrance. Last weekend, the 11th Yubei Yinhe Plum Blossom Festival also kicked off, with 30,000 mu of plum blossoms “welcoming” visitors in the spring.

Early in the morning, Lan Lan, a photography enthusiast, drove to Yinhe with her camera. “When I learned of the opening date of the Plum Blossom Festival, I made an appointment with some friends who are photography enthusiasts to here and photograph the plum blossoms.” Lan Lan said that this is the third year in a row that they have photographed the plum blossoms in Yinhe, and each year they have been rewarded with wonderfully beautiful pictures on site.

In recent years, Tongjing Township has continued to carry out plum blossom festivals in Yinhe Village, using the opportunity brought by the 30,000 mu of plum blossoms to drive the development of various industries and thus improve the living standards of local villagers.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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