A view of spring and bustling city from the “Train to Spring”
“A bowl of noodles, please!” Remember the familiar voice?

A view of spring and bustling city from the “Train to Spring”


“A bowl of noodles, please!”

Remember the familiar voice?

During the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic last year, a short video entitled “Waiting for the Upcoming Spring” went viral.

The city was empty last spring.

We made a promise with hundreds of millions of people at home and abroad that “this spring, we will see the bustling city again”.

Spring arrives and the mountains and rivers remain unchanged.

This spring

This bustling city we’ve missed is back.

Vibrant Chongqing in western China is a microcosm of modern China.

In the past year, by fighting against the epidemic, preserving people’s livelihoods and grasping development,

China became the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth.

The sea has shown its true color after years of endeavor, and the waves are breaking to open up a new situation.

China is like the train, heading for spring and the world. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

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A view of spring and bustling city from the “Train to Spring”

2021-03-12 15:10:08 来源: 0 条评论

“A bowl of noodles, please!”

Remember the familiar voice?

During the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic last year, a short video entitled “Waiting for the Upcoming Spring” went viral.

The city was empty last spring.

We made a promise with hundreds of millions of people at home and abroad that “this spring, we will see the bustling city again”.

Spring arrives and the mountains and rivers remain unchanged.

This spring

This bustling city we’ve missed is back.

Vibrant Chongqing in western China is a microcosm of modern China.

In the past year, by fighting against the epidemic, preserving people’s livelihoods and grasping development,

China became the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth.

The sea has shown its true color after years of endeavor, and the waves are breaking to open up a new situation.

China is like the train, heading for spring and the world. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]