Besides the beach at Niulanba in Dadukou, you can enjoy the rapeseed flowers at Jin’ao Mountain
March is a great time to enjoy flowers and greenery.

Besides the beach at Niulanba in Dadukou, you can enjoy the rapeseed flowers at Jin’ao Mountain


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- March is a great time to enjoy flowers and greenery. The reporter saw golden rapeseed flower terraces at Jin’ao Mountain, Shipan Village, Tiaodeng Town, Dadukou District, Chongqing, shining with the distant river, mountain and ships, like a magnificent painting, attracting many people to come and enjoy the flowers.

As you follow the winding trail up Jin’ao Mountain, you can see rapeseed flowers, plum and peach blossoms opening up in a sea of flowers, and you can hear the cheerful sound of bees buzzing in the flowers from time to time. Jin’ao Mountain is 3 kilometers from Niulanba, so it’s fun to come back here after a day on the beach to enjoy the flowers and the view!

Wang Fen, a member of the public who was taking photos, said, “A few days ago I saw the rapeseed flowers here in Shiban Village in my WeChat Moments, so I invited a few friends to come here to enjoy the flowers, and I felt that it was really beautiful and refreshing.”

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Besides the beach at Niulanba in Dadukou, you can enjoy the rapeseed flowers at Jin’ao Mountain

2021-03-16 09:42:53 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- March is a great time to enjoy flowers and greenery. The reporter saw golden rapeseed flower terraces at Jin’ao Mountain, Shipan Village, Tiaodeng Town, Dadukou District, Chongqing, shining with the distant river, mountain and ships, like a magnificent painting, attracting many people to come and enjoy the flowers.

As you follow the winding trail up Jin’ao Mountain, you can see rapeseed flowers, plum and peach blossoms opening up in a sea of flowers, and you can hear the cheerful sound of bees buzzing in the flowers from time to time. Jin’ao Mountain is 3 kilometers from Niulanba, so it’s fun to come back here after a day on the beach to enjoy the flowers and the view!

Wang Fen, a member of the public who was taking photos, said, “A few days ago I saw the rapeseed flowers here in Shiban Village in my WeChat Moments, so I invited a few friends to come here to enjoy the flowers, and I felt that it was really beautiful and refreshing.”

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]