This female band playing the uncommon instrument
Is that a pan in their hands?” “It’s amazing. They can hit pans so well.”

This female band playing the uncommon instrument


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Is that a pan in their hands?” “It’s amazing. They can hit pans so well.” Recently, a group of women were hitting a beautiful melody with something shaped like an iron pan at Lanhujun Sports Park in Liangjiang New Area. The instruments they play are oddly shaped but have a very ethereal sound.

This “pan”, which everyone recognizes as a “UFO”, is a new type of percussion instrument called a “handpan”. It is learned that handpan was invented in Switzerland in 2000 and very few people in China play it, making it a very niche instrument.

Now, a group of women in Chongqing have also taken up this instrument, called “handpan”, and formed the first female handpan band in Chongqing.

The band is called “Seven Women Handpan”, with an average age of 36 years old, and they come from all walks of life, including music teachers, housewives, soft furnishing designers, kindergarten teachers and cosmetologists.

The band leader, Xiaoxiao, said that the seven of them had been good girlfriends for many years and no one had previously thought that they could form a band across industries. She said, “We formed the band mainly because of the charm of the instrument - it is easy to get started and plays such beautiful melodies.”

After six months of study, the seven girlfriends have been able to play many beautiful pieces together on handpans. Now they often travel in groups with their instruments to play them in the nature. 

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This female band playing the uncommon instrument

2021-03-22 16:02:49 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Is that a pan in their hands?” “It’s amazing. They can hit pans so well.” Recently, a group of women were hitting a beautiful melody with something shaped like an iron pan at Lanhujun Sports Park in Liangjiang New Area. The instruments they play are oddly shaped but have a very ethereal sound.

This “pan”, which everyone recognizes as a “UFO”, is a new type of percussion instrument called a “handpan”. It is learned that handpan was invented in Switzerland in 2000 and very few people in China play it, making it a very niche instrument.

Now, a group of women in Chongqing have also taken up this instrument, called “handpan”, and formed the first female handpan band in Chongqing.

The band is called “Seven Women Handpan”, with an average age of 36 years old, and they come from all walks of life, including music teachers, housewives, soft furnishing designers, kindergarten teachers and cosmetologists.

The band leader, Xiaoxiao, said that the seven of them had been good girlfriends for many years and no one had previously thought that they could form a band across industries. She said, “We formed the band mainly because of the charm of the instrument - it is easy to get started and plays such beautiful melodies.”

After six months of study, the seven girlfriends have been able to play many beautiful pieces together on handpans. Now they often travel in groups with their instruments to play them in the nature. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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