A new experience for cruise trips on the Yangtze River
More new experiences will be added to the Yangtze River tour by cruises.

A new experience for cruise trips on the Yangtze River


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- More new experiences will be added to the Yangtze River tour by cruises. The reporter learned that on April 12, Changjiang Cruises will operate the inaugural Chongqing-Wuhan route. Soon, a new Chongqing-Shanghai service will be launched.

The Three Gorges tour has long been a hit with tourists. At present, the main route is operated by Chongqing Changjiang Cruises from Chongqing to Yichang.

On April 12, Victoria Cruises will be running the inaugural Chongqing-Wuhan route, which will once again kick off the Three Gorges tour. The previous route to Yichang allowed visitors to see only part of the Xiling Gorge, but with the launch of Chongqing-Wuhan route, visitors will not only be able to experience a cruise trip over the Three Gorges Dam, but will also be able to enjoy the famous water conservancy project of Gezhouba Dam on the cruise ship.

The reporter also noted that, in addition to the launch of Chongqing-Wuhan route, Changjiang Cruises will also launch a combination route of long and short as well as different price levels of water tourism products.

For example, Victoria Cruises will also launch short routes from Wanzhou to Yichang and Fengjie to Yichang this year, as well as a new route from Chongqing to Shanghai for 11-day excursions.

The industry insiders believe that, with the deepening of the Three Gorges cruise market and the domestic tour market, the Three Gorges tourist group is covering a wider and wider area, while it has risen from sightseeing tourism to leisure experience tourism. And in addition to the demand for sightseeing tours, the demand for in-depth tours, high-end tours, boutique tours and other itineraries is gradually increasing, which also provides the basis for the launch of new routes for Yangtze River cruises.

Luo Zibo, chief expert of the Yangtze River Tourism Research Base of China Tourism Academy and senior advisor of Chongqing Tourism Economic Development, also said that with the continuous launch of new routes, Changjiang Cruises will change its focus from the current sightseeing tours to leisure and holiday tours, providing richer tourism products, which will also bring new opportunities for the development of Changjiang Cruises. 

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A new experience for cruise trips on the Yangtze River

2021-03-26 15:42:18 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- More new experiences will be added to the Yangtze River tour by cruises. The reporter learned that on April 12, Changjiang Cruises will operate the inaugural Chongqing-Wuhan route. Soon, a new Chongqing-Shanghai service will be launched.

The Three Gorges tour has long been a hit with tourists. At present, the main route is operated by Chongqing Changjiang Cruises from Chongqing to Yichang.

On April 12, Victoria Cruises will be running the inaugural Chongqing-Wuhan route, which will once again kick off the Three Gorges tour. The previous route to Yichang allowed visitors to see only part of the Xiling Gorge, but with the launch of Chongqing-Wuhan route, visitors will not only be able to experience a cruise trip over the Three Gorges Dam, but will also be able to enjoy the famous water conservancy project of Gezhouba Dam on the cruise ship.

The reporter also noted that, in addition to the launch of Chongqing-Wuhan route, Changjiang Cruises will also launch a combination route of long and short as well as different price levels of water tourism products.

For example, Victoria Cruises will also launch short routes from Wanzhou to Yichang and Fengjie to Yichang this year, as well as a new route from Chongqing to Shanghai for 11-day excursions.

The industry insiders believe that, with the deepening of the Three Gorges cruise market and the domestic tour market, the Three Gorges tourist group is covering a wider and wider area, while it has risen from sightseeing tourism to leisure experience tourism. And in addition to the demand for sightseeing tours, the demand for in-depth tours, high-end tours, boutique tours and other itineraries is gradually increasing, which also provides the basis for the launch of new routes for Yangtze River cruises.

Luo Zibo, chief expert of the Yangtze River Tourism Research Base of China Tourism Academy and senior advisor of Chongqing Tourism Economic Development, also said that with the continuous launch of new routes, Changjiang Cruises will change its focus from the current sightseeing tours to leisure and holiday tours, providing richer tourism products, which will also bring new opportunities for the development of Changjiang Cruises. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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