The country’s first “Panda Special Train” enters Chongqing
It is not just a train, but also a KTV, bar, mobile hotel, mobile chess and card room...

The country’s first “Panda Special Train” enters Chongqing


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- It is not just a train, but also a KTV, bar, mobile hotel, mobile chess and card room... Recently, the country’s first “Panda Special Train” entered Chongqing.

Set up a book bar and sing bar, and provide customized services

It is reported that the body of “Panda Special Train” is painted overall, and the internal and external decoration of the whole train are uniformly designed in accordance with the theme of “Panda”. The whole train is composed of 12 carriages, including 1 “Panda Yuefu” (super soft sleeper), 2 “Panda Yashe” (advanced soft sleeper), 5 “Panda Guige” (advanced hard sleeper), 1 “Panda Restaurant” (dining carriage), and 1 “Panda Paradise” (multifunctional entertainment carriage), totaling 10 themed carriages, as well as 1 camping carriage and 1 generator carriage, with a capacity of 252 seats.

The reporter saw that “Panda Yuefu” is a double room equipped with TV, kettle, hair dryer, independent bathroom with separate dry and wet parts, etc. While “Panda Yashe” boasts double and quadruple rooms, and “Panda Guige” is a quadruple room with upper and lower bunks.

According to Wang Lei, the conductor of Chengdu Passenger Transport Section, that compared with ordinary tourist trains, “Panda Special Train” has safe and intelligent electronic locks, intelligent service system, long viewing table, music, video and audio entertainment, and provides passengers with humanized service facilities such as USB charging device, constant temperature shower system and free Wi-Fi.

In the multifunctional entertainment carriage - “Panda Paradise”, the ceiling is decorated with star lights and decks with a large field of view. It also has a book bar, singing bar, bar, and chess and card room.

In terms of train services, “Panda Special Train” has fully implemented “point-to-point and personalized” customized services. In addition to daily train services, it has also introduced the service model of “Golden Butler” in star hotels, and specially equipped with “Panda Butler”, realizing the all-around service combining fixed carriages and whole train mobility of the staff. In order to meet the individual needs of travel groups, “Panda Special Train” can also provide customized services such as afternoon tea parties, theme song parties, and cocktail parties.

Multiple themed tourist routes will be opened

The price of “Panda Special Train” varies according to different routes and services. Take this special train as an example. Passengers departed from Chengdu to Chongqing on the evening of April 3, and visited Liziba, Eling TESTBED 2, Chaotianmen and other scenic spots in Chongqing. The whole trip took one day and two nights, and the lowest price was 680 yuan, including fees of train accommodation, two rivers cruise ship tickets, etc.

Passengers who have travel needs for “Panda Special Train” tourism products can consult and order tickets through channels such as 12306 and “智慧成铁” (Zhihui Chengtie) App.

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The country’s first “Panda Special Train” enters Chongqing

2021-04-07 15:48:30 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- It is not just a train, but also a KTV, bar, mobile hotel, mobile chess and card room... Recently, the country’s first “Panda Special Train” entered Chongqing.

Set up a book bar and sing bar, and provide customized services

It is reported that the body of “Panda Special Train” is painted overall, and the internal and external decoration of the whole train are uniformly designed in accordance with the theme of “Panda”. The whole train is composed of 12 carriages, including 1 “Panda Yuefu” (super soft sleeper), 2 “Panda Yashe” (advanced soft sleeper), 5 “Panda Guige” (advanced hard sleeper), 1 “Panda Restaurant” (dining carriage), and 1 “Panda Paradise” (multifunctional entertainment carriage), totaling 10 themed carriages, as well as 1 camping carriage and 1 generator carriage, with a capacity of 252 seats.

The reporter saw that “Panda Yuefu” is a double room equipped with TV, kettle, hair dryer, independent bathroom with separate dry and wet parts, etc. While “Panda Yashe” boasts double and quadruple rooms, and “Panda Guige” is a quadruple room with upper and lower bunks.

According to Wang Lei, the conductor of Chengdu Passenger Transport Section, that compared with ordinary tourist trains, “Panda Special Train” has safe and intelligent electronic locks, intelligent service system, long viewing table, music, video and audio entertainment, and provides passengers with humanized service facilities such as USB charging device, constant temperature shower system and free Wi-Fi.

In the multifunctional entertainment carriage - “Panda Paradise”, the ceiling is decorated with star lights and decks with a large field of view. It also has a book bar, singing bar, bar, and chess and card room.

In terms of train services, “Panda Special Train” has fully implemented “point-to-point and personalized” customized services. In addition to daily train services, it has also introduced the service model of “Golden Butler” in star hotels, and specially equipped with “Panda Butler”, realizing the all-around service combining fixed carriages and whole train mobility of the staff. In order to meet the individual needs of travel groups, “Panda Special Train” can also provide customized services such as afternoon tea parties, theme song parties, and cocktail parties.

Multiple themed tourist routes will be opened

The price of “Panda Special Train” varies according to different routes and services. Take this special train as an example. Passengers departed from Chengdu to Chongqing on the evening of April 3, and visited Liziba, Eling TESTBED 2, Chaotianmen and other scenic spots in Chongqing. The whole trip took one day and two nights, and the lowest price was 680 yuan, including fees of train accommodation, two rivers cruise ship tickets, etc.

Passengers who have travel needs for “Panda Special Train” tourism products can consult and order tickets through channels such as 12306 and “智慧成铁” (Zhihui Chengtie) App.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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