The first sericulture street in Chongqing opens
Chongqing Sericulture Science and Technology Research Institute held activities about sericulture.

The first sericulture street in Chongqing opens


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Embroidery and silk quilts made from silk, mulberry leaf noodles and mulberry fruit wine made from mulberry... Recently, Chongqing Sericulture Science and Technology Research Institute held activities about sericulture science and technology, and the first Sericulture Street in Chongqing built by the Institute was also officially opened. The public can come to the Street to observe and learn about the life of the silkworm, understand the evolution of the sericulture from ancient to modern times and experience the unique sericulture.

Located in Chongqing Sericulture Science and Technology Research Institute in Dongyang, Beibei, it is the first industrial street in Chongqing with the theme of sericulture, incorporating a variety of forms such as the popularization of sericulture knowledge and the display of special products, showing the strong cultural accumulation of sericulture. Here, the public can enjoy mulberry bud tea and mulberry leaf noodles made from mulberry leaves; mulberry fruit wine and mulberry paste made from mulberry fruits; silkworm chrysalis wine and silkworm chrysalis snacks made from silkworm resources; textiles and clothing made from cocoon and silk resources; and mulberry tree bonsai cultivated and planted with the diversity of mulberry tree species. After the visit, the public could not help but exclaim that silkworms and mulberry are full of treasures!

The silkworm science activities were also set up with interesting and interactive themes, where the public experienced painting mulberry leaves, picking mulberries, operating manual silk reeling, enjoying silk embroidery and making silk quilts up close.

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The first sericulture street in Chongqing opens

2021-04-13 15:40:24 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Embroidery and silk quilts made from silk, mulberry leaf noodles and mulberry fruit wine made from mulberry... Recently, Chongqing Sericulture Science and Technology Research Institute held activities about sericulture science and technology, and the first Sericulture Street in Chongqing built by the Institute was also officially opened. The public can come to the Street to observe and learn about the life of the silkworm, understand the evolution of the sericulture from ancient to modern times and experience the unique sericulture.

Located in Chongqing Sericulture Science and Technology Research Institute in Dongyang, Beibei, it is the first industrial street in Chongqing with the theme of sericulture, incorporating a variety of forms such as the popularization of sericulture knowledge and the display of special products, showing the strong cultural accumulation of sericulture. Here, the public can enjoy mulberry bud tea and mulberry leaf noodles made from mulberry leaves; mulberry fruit wine and mulberry paste made from mulberry fruits; silkworm chrysalis wine and silkworm chrysalis snacks made from silkworm resources; textiles and clothing made from cocoon and silk resources; and mulberry tree bonsai cultivated and planted with the diversity of mulberry tree species. After the visit, the public could not help but exclaim that silkworms and mulberry are full of treasures!

The silkworm science activities were also set up with interesting and interactive themes, where the public experienced painting mulberry leaves, picking mulberries, operating manual silk reeling, enjoying silk embroidery and making silk quilts up close.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]