“Tea King” selected at Tea Competition
Recently, 2021 Fifth Tea Competition of Yongchuan Xiuya was held both online and offline.

“Tea King” selected at Tea Competition


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Which is the best operator of Yongchuan Xiuya? Recently, 2021 Fifth Tea Competition of Yongchuan Xiuya was held both online and offline, providing citizens with a platform for visiting, learning, communicating, tasting and shopping.

It is understood that Yongchuan Xiuya has been included in the research anthology of Chinese famous tea, and it is one of Chongqing’s intangible cultural heritages. At the same time, Yongchuan Xiuya has obtained 11 certified organic products and 9 green products, and it has won more than 100 awards in international and domestic famous tea competitions.

At the event site, many high-quality tea companies in Yongchuan selected high-quality Xiuya to compete for the first and second prizes of the “Tea Competition” under the witness of tea friends from all over the world.

The relevant person in charge stated that the Tea Competition not only demonstrated the beauty of Yongchuan Xiuya and promoted the traditional tea culture, but also promoted the upgrading of Yongchuan tea and the integration and development of Yongchuan tea tourism, further improved the brand awareness and market influence of Yongchuan Xiuya, and contributed to the full promotion of agricultural and rural modernization and rural revitalization. 

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“Tea King” selected at Tea Competition

2021-04-22 15:02:57 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Which is the best operator of Yongchuan Xiuya? Recently, 2021 Fifth Tea Competition of Yongchuan Xiuya was held both online and offline, providing citizens with a platform for visiting, learning, communicating, tasting and shopping.

It is understood that Yongchuan Xiuya has been included in the research anthology of Chinese famous tea, and it is one of Chongqing’s intangible cultural heritages. At the same time, Yongchuan Xiuya has obtained 11 certified organic products and 9 green products, and it has won more than 100 awards in international and domestic famous tea competitions.

At the event site, many high-quality tea companies in Yongchuan selected high-quality Xiuya to compete for the first and second prizes of the “Tea Competition” under the witness of tea friends from all over the world.

The relevant person in charge stated that the Tea Competition not only demonstrated the beauty of Yongchuan Xiuya and promoted the traditional tea culture, but also promoted the upgrading of Yongchuan tea and the integration and development of Yongchuan tea tourism, further improved the brand awareness and market influence of Yongchuan Xiuya, and contributed to the full promotion of agricultural and rural modernization and rural revitalization. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]