Fun lesson on the Earth Day attracting many students
At CQ No. 8 Secondary School, a pile of stones attracted a lot of students and everyone talked about these magic stones.

Fun lesson on the Earth Day attracting many students


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Where is this stone from?” “Is it true?” “Is it expensive?” At Chongqing No. 8 Secondary School, a pile of stones attracted a lot of students and everyone talked about these magic stones.

The Stones are the “classroom” props brought by the Geoscience Science Popularization Staff of Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau. On April 22, namely the 52nd Earth Day, Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau brought the knowledge of natural resources to the school, and brought a lively science class to the students of Chongqing No. 8 Secondary School in Yubei.

“This is much more fun than taking classes.” More than 160 types of stones were scattered on tables, and each table is equipped with a science scientist explaining it and a crowd of students asked questions.

Hundreds of mineral products and animal fossils, such as strontium ore, malachite, crystal and ancient fish fossils, were displayed on the scene. Gem appraisers also showed how to identify synthetic gems and natural gems under the microscope.

After the activity, Zhang Feng, Senior Engineer from No. 208 Geological Team of Chongqing Geological Survey Bureau, taught students about fossils and life evolution, and the wonderful course of paleontological evolution. 

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Fun lesson on the Earth Day attracting many students

2021-04-25 15:20:54 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Where is this stone from?” “Is it true?” “Is it expensive?” At Chongqing No. 8 Secondary School, a pile of stones attracted a lot of students and everyone talked about these magic stones.

The Stones are the “classroom” props brought by the Geoscience Science Popularization Staff of Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau. On April 22, namely the 52nd Earth Day, Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau brought the knowledge of natural resources to the school, and brought a lively science class to the students of Chongqing No. 8 Secondary School in Yubei.

“This is much more fun than taking classes.” More than 160 types of stones were scattered on tables, and each table is equipped with a science scientist explaining it and a crowd of students asked questions.

Hundreds of mineral products and animal fossils, such as strontium ore, malachite, crystal and ancient fish fossils, were displayed on the scene. Gem appraisers also showed how to identify synthetic gems and natural gems under the microscope.

After the activity, Zhang Feng, Senior Engineer from No. 208 Geological Team of Chongqing Geological Survey Bureau, taught students about fossils and life evolution, and the wonderful course of paleontological evolution. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]