Three exhibitions opened at Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum
Academic exhibitions have been launched in Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum.

Three exhibitions opened at Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, academic exhibitions have been launched in Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum (Huangjueping Campus of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute).

Three exhibitions, namely “Celebrating Harvest: An Exhibition of Agricultural Posters and New Year Paintings to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”, “Words and Objects: Individual Narration in Chinese Contemporary Art” and “Today’s Literature: the Fourth Today’s Literature Exhibition - Stitching”, were launched at the same time.

He Guiyan, Director of the Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum, said in an interview that the reasons why the three exhibitions were launched at the same time were that on the one hand, he hoped to take the centenary of the founding of the Party as an opportunity to launch collection research exhibitions on the review of Party history and the carding of new China’s art history, so as to activate the fine works of collections; on the other hand, he would continue paying attention to the experimental and academic nature of Chinese contemporary art, and understand and grasp the new trends of international contemporary art from a global perspective. In addition, through the three exhibitions, he hoped to provide a full sensory experience for the general public with intuitive, systematic visual images and rich art forms.

“The theme of the whole exhibition is changes in agriculture and rural areas under the influence of national policies and changes of times since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,” He Guiyan introduced. Taking “Celebrating Harvest: An Exhibition of Agricultural Posters and New Year Paintings to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” as an example, as a special exhibition, it tells about the agricultural development of new China with 126 posters and New Year Paintings displayed. Next, exhibitions in science and technology, industry, and economic construction would be held in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute to tell about the construction and development of new China from all aspects.

It is reported that “Celebrating Harvest: An Exhibition of Agricultural Posters and New Year Paintings to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” and “Today’s Literature: the Fourth Today’s Literature Exhibition - Stitching” will be exhibited until May 27; while “Words and Objects: Individual Narration in Chinese Contemporary Art” will be exhibited until January 20, 2022. 

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Three exhibitions opened at Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum

2021-04-30 15:04:23 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, academic exhibitions have been launched in Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum (Huangjueping Campus of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute).

Three exhibitions, namely “Celebrating Harvest: An Exhibition of Agricultural Posters and New Year Paintings to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”, “Words and Objects: Individual Narration in Chinese Contemporary Art” and “Today’s Literature: the Fourth Today’s Literature Exhibition - Stitching”, were launched at the same time.

He Guiyan, Director of the Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum, said in an interview that the reasons why the three exhibitions were launched at the same time were that on the one hand, he hoped to take the centenary of the founding of the Party as an opportunity to launch collection research exhibitions on the review of Party history and the carding of new China’s art history, so as to activate the fine works of collections; on the other hand, he would continue paying attention to the experimental and academic nature of Chinese contemporary art, and understand and grasp the new trends of international contemporary art from a global perspective. In addition, through the three exhibitions, he hoped to provide a full sensory experience for the general public with intuitive, systematic visual images and rich art forms.

“The theme of the whole exhibition is changes in agriculture and rural areas under the influence of national policies and changes of times since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,” He Guiyan introduced. Taking “Celebrating Harvest: An Exhibition of Agricultural Posters and New Year Paintings to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” as an example, as a special exhibition, it tells about the agricultural development of new China with 126 posters and New Year Paintings displayed. Next, exhibitions in science and technology, industry, and economic construction would be held in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute to tell about the construction and development of new China from all aspects.

It is reported that “Celebrating Harvest: An Exhibition of Agricultural Posters and New Year Paintings to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” and “Today’s Literature: the Fourth Today’s Literature Exhibition - Stitching” will be exhibited until May 27; while “Words and Objects: Individual Narration in Chinese Contemporary Art” will be exhibited until January 20, 2022. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]