3,000 runners enjoy night running at Olympic Sports Center
At 19:30 on April 28, 3,000 runners gathered in Chongqing Olympic Sports Center.

3,000 runners enjoy night running at Olympic Sports Center


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- At 19:30 on April 28, 3,000 runners gathered in Chongqing Olympic Sports Center to enjoy the feast of public fitness - 2021 Chongqing Public Fitness Month and the Fourth Olympic Night Running. It is understood that the Olympic Night Running not only includes rich interactive games, but also contains rock concerts to help participants fully feel the youthful vitality and healthy fashion brought by the Olympic Night Running.

It is understood that Chongqing Olympic Night Running has become a brand fitness activity in the circle of Chongqing runners. Different from other racing events such as marathon, Olympic Night Running focuses on the participation by all people, with the leisure, happy and healthy running as its theme. This year, due to the first attempt of cooperating with social forces, enterprises have been invited to the scene to provide more interactive games and benefits for the runners participating in the interaction.

The reporter learned at the site that there were more than 20 Chengdu-Chongqing running groups in this Night Running. According to the organizer, it was an attempt of Olympic Night Running to boost the integrated development of public fitness in Sichuan and Chongqing; and with the interactive invitation initiated by Chongqing local running groups to Chengdu running groups, representatives of about 10 Chengdu running groups came to the scene to run together.

It is worth mentioning that this year, in addition to the public welfare brand activities such as Olympic Night Running, Olympic Health Large Classroom and free monitoring of national fitness, the National Track and Field Championship and Qualification Competition for National Games will also be held in Chongqing Olympic Center from June 24 to 27, which will be an important training before Tokyo Olympic Games. 

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3,000 runners enjoy night running at Olympic Sports Center

2021-05-06 15:02:56 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- At 19:30 on April 28, 3,000 runners gathered in Chongqing Olympic Sports Center to enjoy the feast of public fitness - 2021 Chongqing Public Fitness Month and the Fourth Olympic Night Running. It is understood that the Olympic Night Running not only includes rich interactive games, but also contains rock concerts to help participants fully feel the youthful vitality and healthy fashion brought by the Olympic Night Running.

It is understood that Chongqing Olympic Night Running has become a brand fitness activity in the circle of Chongqing runners. Different from other racing events such as marathon, Olympic Night Running focuses on the participation by all people, with the leisure, happy and healthy running as its theme. This year, due to the first attempt of cooperating with social forces, enterprises have been invited to the scene to provide more interactive games and benefits for the runners participating in the interaction.

The reporter learned at the site that there were more than 20 Chengdu-Chongqing running groups in this Night Running. According to the organizer, it was an attempt of Olympic Night Running to boost the integrated development of public fitness in Sichuan and Chongqing; and with the interactive invitation initiated by Chongqing local running groups to Chengdu running groups, representatives of about 10 Chengdu running groups came to the scene to run together.

It is worth mentioning that this year, in addition to the public welfare brand activities such as Olympic Night Running, Olympic Health Large Classroom and free monitoring of national fitness, the National Track and Field Championship and Qualification Competition for National Games will also be held in Chongqing Olympic Center from June 24 to 27, which will be an important training before Tokyo Olympic Games. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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