Fairy Tale Graffiti Street hidden in Shijingpo
Recently, the Fairy Tale Street of Shijingpo, Shapingba District has been searched frequently.

Fairy Tale Graffiti Street hidden in Shijingpo


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the Fairy Tale Street of Shijingpo, Shapingba District has been searched frequently. As the shooting location of the movie “I Belonged to You”, it also attracted tourists to visit the colorful old houses fulling of childlike innocence and different from others!

It is understood that since the completion of Shiguangli Area of Changqu Road, Shijingpo in 2018, the fairy tale colorful houses have attracted many tourists. In order to make tourists have better experience, volunteers in the Sub-district Area also spontaneously guide tourists and maintain the environmental sanitation to provide a good environment for tourists.

Shiguangli Area of Changqu Road, Shijingpo has been upgraded. The damaged and faded buildings around “Fairy Tale Street” have been repaired and colored. The repaired “Fairy Tale Graffiti Street” Area has also been connected with the newly built Shiguangli Community Park.

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Fairy Tale Graffiti Street hidden in Shijingpo

2021-05-12 15:29:05 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the Fairy Tale Street of Shijingpo, Shapingba District has been searched frequently. As the shooting location of the movie “I Belonged to You”, it also attracted tourists to visit the colorful old houses fulling of childlike innocence and different from others!

It is understood that since the completion of Shiguangli Area of Changqu Road, Shijingpo in 2018, the fairy tale colorful houses have attracted many tourists. In order to make tourists have better experience, volunteers in the Sub-district Area also spontaneously guide tourists and maintain the environmental sanitation to provide a good environment for tourists.

Shiguangli Area of Changqu Road, Shijingpo has been upgraded. The damaged and faded buildings around “Fairy Tale Street” have been repaired and colored. The repaired “Fairy Tale Graffiti Street” Area has also been connected with the newly built Shiguangli Community Park.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]