To build a “City of First Love” in China
Hong’an Ancient Town is the junction of Chongqing, Guizhou and Hunan.

To build a “City of First Love” in China


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the interview group of “To See China • Chongqing along the Expressway” along Yuxiang Section of Baomao Expressway, got off the road at the border city toll station, and arrived at Hong’an Ancient Town about two or three minutes by car.

Hong’an Ancient Town is the junction of Chongqing, Guizhou and Hunan, with a special location of “one foot on three provinces, three provinces in one city”. It is also the prototype of the Border City written by Shen Congwen, and won the name of Xiushan “Border City”.

Strolling along the old streets, slabstone roads, stilted buildings, Qingshui River, Laladu Ferry slowly moved forward from the dream of history. The border town, Hong’an attracted about 50,000 tourists during this year’s May Day holiday. In order to relieve the traffic pressure, the toll station in the border city was renovated and upgraded last year, and the lane capacity was expanded from 2 in and 2 out to 4 in and 3 out.

Hong’an is not only the original place of Border Town, but also rich in natural landscape and cultural resources. Hong’an Town also vigorously develop tea, fruit industry. In Liusha Village, a green tea garden rises and falls along the hills. The fragrance of orange flowers in Guicuo Village... At present, the tea base of Hongan Town reaches 12,000 mu, and the fruit base reaches 15,000 mu.

According to Tang Feng, Head of the Project Office of the Hong’an Border Town Tourism Development Command, relying on these resources, they are currently building the historical and cultural core area of the old street, building the three-provincial style street, digging deep into the border city culture, displaying the folk customs of the three provinces, highlighting the main line of love, and building “the City of First Love in China” that integrates cultural sightseeing experience, folk custom experience, and health and wellness.

In Tang Feng’s opinion, the completion and opening of the Yuxiang Expressway and the second line of the Yuhuai Railway greatly shortened the distance between the central urban area of Chongqing and its surrounding areas to Xiushan. At present, the Yuhuai Double-track Expressway is under construction, and the Xiushan - Yinjiang Expressway is progressing smoothly in the early stage, which will further highlight the geographical advantages of Xiushan. Xiushan is waiting for you near the city. 

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To build a “City of First Love” in China

2021-05-17 15:35:03 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the interview group of “To See China • Chongqing along the Expressway” along Yuxiang Section of Baomao Expressway, got off the road at the border city toll station, and arrived at Hong’an Ancient Town about two or three minutes by car.

Hong’an Ancient Town is the junction of Chongqing, Guizhou and Hunan, with a special location of “one foot on three provinces, three provinces in one city”. It is also the prototype of the Border City written by Shen Congwen, and won the name of Xiushan “Border City”.

Strolling along the old streets, slabstone roads, stilted buildings, Qingshui River, Laladu Ferry slowly moved forward from the dream of history. The border town, Hong’an attracted about 50,000 tourists during this year’s May Day holiday. In order to relieve the traffic pressure, the toll station in the border city was renovated and upgraded last year, and the lane capacity was expanded from 2 in and 2 out to 4 in and 3 out.

Hong’an is not only the original place of Border Town, but also rich in natural landscape and cultural resources. Hong’an Town also vigorously develop tea, fruit industry. In Liusha Village, a green tea garden rises and falls along the hills. The fragrance of orange flowers in Guicuo Village... At present, the tea base of Hongan Town reaches 12,000 mu, and the fruit base reaches 15,000 mu.

According to Tang Feng, Head of the Project Office of the Hong’an Border Town Tourism Development Command, relying on these resources, they are currently building the historical and cultural core area of the old street, building the three-provincial style street, digging deep into the border city culture, displaying the folk customs of the three provinces, highlighting the main line of love, and building “the City of First Love in China” that integrates cultural sightseeing experience, folk custom experience, and health and wellness.

In Tang Feng’s opinion, the completion and opening of the Yuxiang Expressway and the second line of the Yuhuai Railway greatly shortened the distance between the central urban area of Chongqing and its surrounding areas to Xiushan. At present, the Yuhuai Double-track Expressway is under construction, and the Xiushan - Yinjiang Expressway is progressing smoothly in the early stage, which will further highlight the geographical advantages of Xiushan. Xiushan is waiting for you near the city. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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