Enjoy golden flower sea and train passing through building across river
In May, the air is filled with the smell of early summer in Chongqing.

Enjoy golden flower sea and train passing through building across river


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In May, the air is filled with the smell of early summer in Chongqing. When walking along lanes and streets, you can see flowers from time to time. On the riverbank of Xiangguosi Wharf in Chongqing, there is a golden flower sea; and as the river wind blows, a large area of yellow flowers dance with the wind. Many people are taking group photos to keep this beautiful moment in early summer.

It is understood that this golden flower sea is mainly composed of cosmos sulphureus which likes sunshine and can live as it grows except in winter. Because its tongue-shaped flower is orange or golden yellow, and its color is like sulfur, it is named sulfur chrysanthemum, and is changed to “cosmos sulphureus” according to its sound. Just like its flower language “sunny and cheerful”, it also adds vitality and color to the riverbank.

CRT Niujiaotuo and CRT Liziba Stations are on the opposite side of the flower sea. Many citizens stand in the flower sea, combine flowers, people and train, take photos of the moment in early summer and visit “the train passing through the building” across the river at the same time.

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Enjoy golden flower sea and train passing through building across river

2021-05-21 15:44:15 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In May, the air is filled with the smell of early summer in Chongqing. When walking along lanes and streets, you can see flowers from time to time. On the riverbank of Xiangguosi Wharf in Chongqing, there is a golden flower sea; and as the river wind blows, a large area of yellow flowers dance with the wind. Many people are taking group photos to keep this beautiful moment in early summer.

It is understood that this golden flower sea is mainly composed of cosmos sulphureus which likes sunshine and can live as it grows except in winter. Because its tongue-shaped flower is orange or golden yellow, and its color is like sulfur, it is named sulfur chrysanthemum, and is changed to “cosmos sulphureus” according to its sound. Just like its flower language “sunny and cheerful”, it also adds vitality and color to the riverbank.

CRT Niujiaotuo and CRT Liziba Stations are on the opposite side of the flower sea. Many citizens stand in the flower sea, combine flowers, people and train, take photos of the moment in early summer and visit “the train passing through the building” across the river at the same time.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]