A rare wild animal reappears in Chongqing Yintiaoling
A wild animal under national second class protection were found.

A rare wild animal reappears in Chongqing Yintiaoling


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On May 18, the Administration of Chongqing Yintiaoling National Nature Reserve announced that when sorting out the recovered videos, four clear videos of pucrasia macrolopha, a wild animal under national second class protection were found.

It is understood that pucrasia macrolophas usually live in the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest with an altitude of 500-4,000 meters, and their main food is plant root, fruit and seed. They live in pairs all year round and form a small family group in autumn and winter. In case of dangerous situation, they lie still and are not easy to be driven away. The sudden sound of a gun or a fallen tree will make several male birds yell, and their ear feathers will be erect when they show off.

It is reported that Chongqing Yintiaoling National Nature Reserve is located in Wuxi. In recent years, due to the local efforts to strengthen the protection of wild animal, the Reserve has also photographed black bear, prionailurus bengalensis, chrysolophus pictus and other wild animals under national protection. (Translated by Zhang Ying, Fathom Language Limited)

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A rare wild animal reappears in Chongqing Yintiaoling

2021-05-27 14:17:57 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On May 18, the Administration of Chongqing Yintiaoling National Nature Reserve announced that when sorting out the recovered videos, four clear videos of pucrasia macrolopha, a wild animal under national second class protection were found.

It is understood that pucrasia macrolophas usually live in the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest with an altitude of 500-4,000 meters, and their main food is plant root, fruit and seed. They live in pairs all year round and form a small family group in autumn and winter. In case of dangerous situation, they lie still and are not easy to be driven away. The sudden sound of a gun or a fallen tree will make several male birds yell, and their ear feathers will be erect when they show off.

It is reported that Chongqing Yintiaoling National Nature Reserve is located in Wuxi. In recent years, due to the local efforts to strengthen the protection of wild animal, the Reserve has also photographed black bear, prionailurus bengalensis, chrysolophus pictus and other wild animals under national protection. (Translated by Zhang Ying, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]