Chongqing Health Code updated with “hotpot theme”
There are new changes to the Chongqing Health Code recently.

Chongqing Health Code updated with “hotpot theme”


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Following the launch of the Golden Health Code in Chongqing, there are new changes to the Chongqing Health Code recently. This reporter recently checked Chongqing Health Code and found that for those who have completed the vaccination for COVID-19, a new theme of “hotpot, Jiefangbei and Hongyadong” will automatically appear on the health code page.

It is learned that those who have completed the vaccination can search for “Health Code” or “YuKang Code” on Alipay to unlock the new page for “hotpot, Jiefangbei, Hongyadong and Yangtze Cable”.

Previously, under the guidance of the Chongqing Big Data Bureau, Alipay has launched a new version of the Yukang Code with a "golden border"; that is, for those who have completed vaccination, the code will have a golden border added to its exterior and the word “Completed”; and if only one shot has been given and the vaccination has not yet been completed, the Yukang Code appears with only half a golden border.

It is understood that recently, many places including Chongqing, Guangxi, Hubei, Anhui, Tianjin, Jiangxi, Hainan, Shandong, Qinghai, Gansu, etc. have launched “golden health code” in Alipay, where users search “Health Code” can view their own exclusive health code.

In addition, users in many provinces and cities can also search for “Vaccines for COVID-19” to obtain vaccination appointments or vaccine enquiries. 

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Chongqing Health Code updated with “hotpot theme”

2021-06-04 09:55:09 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Following the launch of the Golden Health Code in Chongqing, there are new changes to the Chongqing Health Code recently. This reporter recently checked Chongqing Health Code and found that for those who have completed the vaccination for COVID-19, a new theme of “hotpot, Jiefangbei and Hongyadong” will automatically appear on the health code page.

It is learned that those who have completed the vaccination can search for “Health Code” or “YuKang Code” on Alipay to unlock the new page for “hotpot, Jiefangbei, Hongyadong and Yangtze Cable”.

Previously, under the guidance of the Chongqing Big Data Bureau, Alipay has launched a new version of the Yukang Code with a "golden border"; that is, for those who have completed vaccination, the code will have a golden border added to its exterior and the word “Completed”; and if only one shot has been given and the vaccination has not yet been completed, the Yukang Code appears with only half a golden border.

It is understood that recently, many places including Chongqing, Guangxi, Hubei, Anhui, Tianjin, Jiangxi, Hainan, Shandong, Qinghai, Gansu, etc. have launched “golden health code” in Alipay, where users search “Health Code” can view their own exclusive health code.

In addition, users in many provinces and cities can also search for “Vaccines for COVID-19” to obtain vaccination appointments or vaccine enquiries. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]