Here comes Night at Art Museum of “Blooming June”
On the evening of June 11, the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Art Museum launched its first “Art Museum Night”.

Here comes Night at Art Museum of “Blooming June”


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the evening of June 11, the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Art Museum launched its first “Art Museum Night”.

The “Night at Art Museum” is a special public service event for the graduation season of “Blooming June”, which joins hands with Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Lighting Art Institute of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Fashion Design Department of Design Academy of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and other units to expand the possibilities of cross-industry connection and launch four sections of music performance, theater performance, fashion show and light show were launched. With its online and offline activities carried out in parallel, it presents an immersive audio-visual feast in the intertwined collision of art and technology.

The event kicked off with a jazz performance by seven professional teachers from the Jazz Department of Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Then came the light show “Forging Light - Dazzling Dance”, which presented an immersive audio-visual feast for the audience in the intertwined collision of art and technology.

Based on the design concept of “Withered Landscape Painting” in the atrium of the museum, the light show combines artistic expression, modern technology and the site, and uses lighting art to reorganize and fully demonstrate the architectural space characteristics of the museum.

The costume show “Momentum” was the highlight of the activities on June 11. With their keen sensibility and rich imagination, the 2021 graduate students of the Costume Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute composed a dazzling expression of traditional and contemporary intertwined and diversified designs.

Pop dance, new art live “Fruit” and other programs brought the audience energetic and powerful dance, as well as experimental music + physical theater + improvisation mixed with various art forms to make the audience delighted and addicted.

It is learned that the “Blooming June - Art Tour of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute” event held in the past 17 years is not only the centralized presentation of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute art education achievements, but also become an important art event and cultural IP in Chongqing and even the whole country. 

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Here comes Night at Art Museum of “Blooming June”

2021-06-17 14:17:15 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the evening of June 11, the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Art Museum launched its first “Art Museum Night”.

The “Night at Art Museum” is a special public service event for the graduation season of “Blooming June”, which joins hands with Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Lighting Art Institute of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Fashion Design Department of Design Academy of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and other units to expand the possibilities of cross-industry connection and launch four sections of music performance, theater performance, fashion show and light show were launched. With its online and offline activities carried out in parallel, it presents an immersive audio-visual feast in the intertwined collision of art and technology.

The event kicked off with a jazz performance by seven professional teachers from the Jazz Department of Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Then came the light show “Forging Light - Dazzling Dance”, which presented an immersive audio-visual feast for the audience in the intertwined collision of art and technology.

Based on the design concept of “Withered Landscape Painting” in the atrium of the museum, the light show combines artistic expression, modern technology and the site, and uses lighting art to reorganize and fully demonstrate the architectural space characteristics of the museum.

The costume show “Momentum” was the highlight of the activities on June 11. With their keen sensibility and rich imagination, the 2021 graduate students of the Costume Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute composed a dazzling expression of traditional and contemporary intertwined and diversified designs.

Pop dance, new art live “Fruit” and other programs brought the audience energetic and powerful dance, as well as experimental music + physical theater + improvisation mixed with various art forms to make the audience delighted and addicted.

It is learned that the “Blooming June - Art Tour of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute” event held in the past 17 years is not only the centralized presentation of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute art education achievements, but also become an important art event and cultural IP in Chongqing and even the whole country. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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