Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with traditional culture
80 contestants presented a magnificent Hanfu ceremony for the general public.

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with traditional culture


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “It was the first time that I saw so much beautiful Hanfu. I not only experienced a visual feast, but also had a deeper understanding of the Hanfu culture of the Chinese nation,” said Ma Jiang, a citizen residing at Nanbin Road, Chongqing Municipality.

On the evening of June 13, the Southwest Division Promotion Competition of 2021 ChinaJoy Show· Rookie Competition was held in Zishui Square in front of Chongqing Museum of the Migration Southward of the Cultural Relics of Imperial Palace. 80 contestants from Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan gathered in Chongqing for the national finals, presenting a magnificent Hanfu ceremony for the general public and tourists.

At the event scene, the reporter saw the contestants in Hanfu of different shapes and styles of different dynasties, folding fans or holding swords, showing the beauty of traditional costumes as well as the cultural connotation of etiquette. The last Hanfu Show in front of Chongqing Museum of the Migration Southward of the Cultural Relics of Imperial Palace, was like a flowing picture scroll at Nanbin Road, and vividly showed the fairyism and unique beauty of Hanfu, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop to watch and take photos. 

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Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with traditional culture

2021-06-18 14:46:42 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “It was the first time that I saw so much beautiful Hanfu. I not only experienced a visual feast, but also had a deeper understanding of the Hanfu culture of the Chinese nation,” said Ma Jiang, a citizen residing at Nanbin Road, Chongqing Municipality.

On the evening of June 13, the Southwest Division Promotion Competition of 2021 ChinaJoy Show· Rookie Competition was held in Zishui Square in front of Chongqing Museum of the Migration Southward of the Cultural Relics of Imperial Palace. 80 contestants from Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan gathered in Chongqing for the national finals, presenting a magnificent Hanfu ceremony for the general public and tourists.

At the event scene, the reporter saw the contestants in Hanfu of different shapes and styles of different dynasties, folding fans or holding swords, showing the beauty of traditional costumes as well as the cultural connotation of etiquette. The last Hanfu Show in front of Chongqing Museum of the Migration Southward of the Cultural Relics of Imperial Palace, was like a flowing picture scroll at Nanbin Road, and vividly showed the fairyism and unique beauty of Hanfu, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop to watch and take photos. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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