Graduation season of Chongqing University is super cool!
Recently, Chongqing University Graduation Season Art Exhibition 2021 was held in the library of Chongqing University.

Graduation season of Chongqing University is super cool!


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Chongqing University Graduation Season Art Exhibition 2021 was held in the library of Chongqing University (Huxi Campus).

This exhibition is mainly about the art works and design works of the current graduates of College of Arts of Chongqing University. The art works include Chinese painting, oil painting and watercolor painting. The design works include visual communication design works, product design works, environmental art design works and animation design works. More than 174 graduates participated in this exhibition, and the number of works exhibited exceeded 385.

The most striking part of the site is a group of joint design exhibits, where graduates from Chongqing University of several majors have jointly designed the famous domestic science fiction novel “Battle of Carbon and Iron”, making it into a complete art work and restoring the most realistic scenes from the science fiction novel.

The whole work of “Battle of Carbon and Iron” was designed and completed by students from several majors, including environmental art design majors who reproduced the Sky City, the Central African Museum and the Venus Lightning Viewing Area in the novel; product design majors who designed the personal wearable devices of the future human race and the transportation “pea pod” of the Sky City; visual communication majors who completed the visual design of the personal information and interactive interface and system of the future human race; and animation majors who completed the atmosphere design and original design works of the novel… They collectively put their works together and gradually built up the future “Venus world” in the science fiction novel.

Yang Tingting, a student from the environmental art design major, showed the reporter her “future city” designed for science fiction, a city to the Frisbee like hanging in the sky. Moreover, she made a very detailed refinement on her city appearance, climate, landscape and so on. “From about January this year, we began to prepare the design and devoted ourselves to it for about half a year, including renderings and models, all of which are made by ourself.” Yang Tingting said that although science fiction is full of imagination, the architecture, landscape design and aesthetics inside need professional knowledge for support, which she believes it is the test for her design concept and design ideas. 

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Graduation season of Chongqing University is super cool!

2021-06-21 15:15:39 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Chongqing University Graduation Season Art Exhibition 2021 was held in the library of Chongqing University (Huxi Campus).

This exhibition is mainly about the art works and design works of the current graduates of College of Arts of Chongqing University. The art works include Chinese painting, oil painting and watercolor painting. The design works include visual communication design works, product design works, environmental art design works and animation design works. More than 174 graduates participated in this exhibition, and the number of works exhibited exceeded 385.

The most striking part of the site is a group of joint design exhibits, where graduates from Chongqing University of several majors have jointly designed the famous domestic science fiction novel “Battle of Carbon and Iron”, making it into a complete art work and restoring the most realistic scenes from the science fiction novel.

The whole work of “Battle of Carbon and Iron” was designed and completed by students from several majors, including environmental art design majors who reproduced the Sky City, the Central African Museum and the Venus Lightning Viewing Area in the novel; product design majors who designed the personal wearable devices of the future human race and the transportation “pea pod” of the Sky City; visual communication majors who completed the visual design of the personal information and interactive interface and system of the future human race; and animation majors who completed the atmosphere design and original design works of the novel… They collectively put their works together and gradually built up the future “Venus world” in the science fiction novel.

Yang Tingting, a student from the environmental art design major, showed the reporter her “future city” designed for science fiction, a city to the Frisbee like hanging in the sky. Moreover, she made a very detailed refinement on her city appearance, climate, landscape and so on. “From about January this year, we began to prepare the design and devoted ourselves to it for about half a year, including renderings and models, all of which are made by ourself.” Yang Tingting said that although science fiction is full of imagination, the architecture, landscape design and aesthetics inside need professional knowledge for support, which she believes it is the test for her design concept and design ideas. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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