Giant panda of Chongqing Zoo gives birth to twins
Chongqing Zoo released the news that the giant panda there “Mangzai” gave birth to twin giant panda babies on June 10.

Giant panda of Chongqing Zoo gives birth to twins


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Chongqing Zoo released the news that the giant panda there “Mangzai” gave birth to twin giant panda babies on June 10. This is the first pair of twin giant pandas born in the world this year, and is also the first case of domestic captive giant panda babies this year.

At 1:13 a.m. and 1:49 a.m. on June 10, giant panda “Mangzai” gave birth to twins, both male. The first cub weighed 161 grams, and the second cub weighed 151 grams. The two cubs got colostrum as soon as possible and developed well.

Chongqing Zoo giant panda technical director Yin Yanqiang introduced, “Mangzai” had given birth to two female babies “Xi Xi” and “Qing Qing” in 2019. This time, “Mangzai” successfully mated naturally and gave birth to twins for the second pregnancy.

After the two baby pandas were born, Chongqing Zoo conducted artificially assisted nursery for the pandas, one by the mother panda and one in the nursery box in exchanged turns, so that the cubs could both have breast milk and defecate normally in time.

At present, the two baby pandas are growing well: the big one weighs 416 grams, and the little one weighs 429 grams.

Yin Yanqiang said that the two baby pandas are not yet ready to be displayed for visitors. The Chongqing Zoo will later display the babies in due course according to their growth, and carry out activities such as name calling and naming.

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Giant panda of Chongqing Zoo gives birth to twins

2021-06-29 15:00:41 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Chongqing Zoo released the news that the giant panda there “Mangzai” gave birth to twin giant panda babies on June 10. This is the first pair of twin giant pandas born in the world this year, and is also the first case of domestic captive giant panda babies this year.

At 1:13 a.m. and 1:49 a.m. on June 10, giant panda “Mangzai” gave birth to twins, both male. The first cub weighed 161 grams, and the second cub weighed 151 grams. The two cubs got colostrum as soon as possible and developed well.

Chongqing Zoo giant panda technical director Yin Yanqiang introduced, “Mangzai” had given birth to two female babies “Xi Xi” and “Qing Qing” in 2019. This time, “Mangzai” successfully mated naturally and gave birth to twins for the second pregnancy.

After the two baby pandas were born, Chongqing Zoo conducted artificially assisted nursery for the pandas, one by the mother panda and one in the nursery box in exchanged turns, so that the cubs could both have breast milk and defecate normally in time.

At present, the two baby pandas are growing well: the big one weighs 416 grams, and the little one weighs 429 grams.

Yin Yanqiang said that the two baby pandas are not yet ready to be displayed for visitors. The Chongqing Zoo will later display the babies in due course according to their growth, and carry out activities such as name calling and naming.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]