The “parent-child costume” at graduation ceremony
At the 2021 Graduate Ceremony of Southwest University of Political Science & Law, there were many warm moments.

The “parent-child costume” at graduation ceremony


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, at the 2021 Graduate Ceremony of Southwest University of Political Science & Law, there were many heartwarming moments.

She was pregnant when she was studying in PHD, and brought her baby to wear a “degree gown and parent-child costume” when she graduated

At the ceremony, a pair of mother and son dressed in “parent-child clothes” was particularly eye-catching. He Haiyan, a civil and commercial law major from the School of Civil and Commercial Law of Southwest University of Political Science & Law, graduated today. Unlike other students, she took her son to attend her graduation ceremony.

“I gave birth to my baby during my PHD. I graduated today, and he is one and a half years old. The clothes I bought for him on the Internet are children’s clothes, so he and I can wear the “parent-child clothes” to attend the ceremony. At the graduation ceremony, I also hope that in the future he will also be able to learn something and grow up healthily.” He Haiyan said that she has been studying law since her undergraduate degree, and being able to enter Southwest University of Political Science & Law at the doctoral level is also the realization of the ultimate dream of a legal professional. Now she graduated smoothly, and hopes that she can go further and further on the road of law.

She drove 6 hours to attend little sister’s “second coming-of-age ceremony”

On a drizzling graduation ceremony, a man walked through the rain holding a large cardboard box while a woman leaned her umbrella for fear the rain will ruin the four bunches of flowers inside.

The woman, Wang Hongmei, and her boyfriend drove more than six hours from Guiyang to Chongqing the day before to attend her little sister’s graduation ceremony. Wang Xiaolan, a master’s degree student in Translation at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, was very surprised by her sister’s gift. Xiaolan told the reporter that her sister not only bought flowers for herself, but also for her three best friends. “I hope I can become better in the future and live up to my sister’s sense of ceremony,” Wang Xiaolan said.

“We need friends in our life. I hope my little sister can take my love to her and go further with her friends.” Wang said the graduation season was her little sister’s “second coming-to-age ceremony”, so she and her boyfriend planned such a ritual. 

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The “parent-child costume” at graduation ceremony

2021-07-01 13:17:18 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, at the 2021 Graduate Ceremony of Southwest University of Political Science & Law, there were many heartwarming moments.

She was pregnant when she was studying in PHD, and brought her baby to wear a “degree gown and parent-child costume” when she graduated

At the ceremony, a pair of mother and son dressed in “parent-child clothes” was particularly eye-catching. He Haiyan, a civil and commercial law major from the School of Civil and Commercial Law of Southwest University of Political Science & Law, graduated today. Unlike other students, she took her son to attend her graduation ceremony.

“I gave birth to my baby during my PHD. I graduated today, and he is one and a half years old. The clothes I bought for him on the Internet are children’s clothes, so he and I can wear the “parent-child clothes” to attend the ceremony. At the graduation ceremony, I also hope that in the future he will also be able to learn something and grow up healthily.” He Haiyan said that she has been studying law since her undergraduate degree, and being able to enter Southwest University of Political Science & Law at the doctoral level is also the realization of the ultimate dream of a legal professional. Now she graduated smoothly, and hopes that she can go further and further on the road of law.

She drove 6 hours to attend little sister’s “second coming-of-age ceremony”

On a drizzling graduation ceremony, a man walked through the rain holding a large cardboard box while a woman leaned her umbrella for fear the rain will ruin the four bunches of flowers inside.

The woman, Wang Hongmei, and her boyfriend drove more than six hours from Guiyang to Chongqing the day before to attend her little sister’s graduation ceremony. Wang Xiaolan, a master’s degree student in Translation at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, was very surprised by her sister’s gift. Xiaolan told the reporter that her sister not only bought flowers for herself, but also for her three best friends. “I hope I can become better in the future and live up to my sister’s sense of ceremony,” Wang Xiaolan said.

“We need friends in our life. I hope my little sister can take my love to her and go further with her friends.” Wang said the graduation season was her little sister’s “second coming-to-age ceremony”, so she and her boyfriend planned such a ritual. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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