Sunflowers planted on the roof of school
Sunflowers planted on the roof of an elementary school in Chongqing went viral on Weibo.

Sunflowers planted on the roof of school


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, more than 14,000 sunflowers planted on the roof of an elementary school in Chongqing went viral on Weibo, triggering a lot of discussion among netizens. The reporter learned that this is a curriculum reform to implement the “practical things for the masses” at Xinghu School in Liangjiang New Area.

In March this year, Xinghu School opened up the roofs of five school buildings to plant sunflowers, with a total of about 6,600 square meters and nearly 14,000 sunflowers, for each class having its own piece of sunflower field.

When the school was first built, Xinghu School scientifically designed the rooftop planting area. This time, in the sunflower-themed project-based curriculum, it innovated and reformed the teaching methods of each subject course, closely linking the planting process with subject knowledge and social life practices in language, science, mathematics, labor technology, etc. It also moved the art sketching class and science class outdoors, creating a purely natural teaching classroom for the students, which was well received by the children in return.

Sunflowers are in the “3:30” classroom every day at Xinghu School. From learning about sunflowers to cultivating sunflower gardens, students will learn to pull weeds, hoe the ground and other labor skills, set up small teams to establish small sunflower gardens, and carry out contract responsibility.

In the sunflower garden, students can enjoy Van Gogh’s “Sunflower” series, feel the warmth of yellow tones and contrasting harmonies, and appreciate the beauty of color in life.

The music class, on the other hand, allows students to enjoy music about sunflowers, sing about sunflowers, dance about sunflowers, inculcate in music, cultivate their emotions and perceive what life looks like.

During the harvest period, the school will also organize students to harvest sunflowers, peel out the seeds, then dry the seeds and invite professionals to teach students how to fry the fragrant melon seeds.

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Sunflowers planted on the roof of school

2021-07-09 13:10:49 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, more than 14,000 sunflowers planted on the roof of an elementary school in Chongqing went viral on Weibo, triggering a lot of discussion among netizens. The reporter learned that this is a curriculum reform to implement the “practical things for the masses” at Xinghu School in Liangjiang New Area.

In March this year, Xinghu School opened up the roofs of five school buildings to plant sunflowers, with a total of about 6,600 square meters and nearly 14,000 sunflowers, for each class having its own piece of sunflower field.

When the school was first built, Xinghu School scientifically designed the rooftop planting area. This time, in the sunflower-themed project-based curriculum, it innovated and reformed the teaching methods of each subject course, closely linking the planting process with subject knowledge and social life practices in language, science, mathematics, labor technology, etc. It also moved the art sketching class and science class outdoors, creating a purely natural teaching classroom for the students, which was well received by the children in return.

Sunflowers are in the “3:30” classroom every day at Xinghu School. From learning about sunflowers to cultivating sunflower gardens, students will learn to pull weeds, hoe the ground and other labor skills, set up small teams to establish small sunflower gardens, and carry out contract responsibility.

In the sunflower garden, students can enjoy Van Gogh’s “Sunflower” series, feel the warmth of yellow tones and contrasting harmonies, and appreciate the beauty of color in life.

The music class, on the other hand, allows students to enjoy music about sunflowers, sing about sunflowers, dance about sunflowers, inculcate in music, cultivate their emotions and perceive what life looks like.

During the harvest period, the school will also organize students to harvest sunflowers, peel out the seeds, then dry the seeds and invite professionals to teach students how to fry the fragrant melon seeds.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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